Milo: Did the Daily Beast and New York Observer Just Get Journalists Killed? – IOTW Report

Milo: Did the Daily Beast and New York Observer Just Get Journalists Killed?

Dangerous: You’re about to see a raft of news stories claiming that I am responsible for inspiring the deaths of journalists.

The bodies are barely cold and left-wing journalists are already exploiting these deaths to score political points against me. It’s disgusting. I regret nothing I said, though of course like any normal person I am saddened to hear of needless death.

 The truth, as always, is the opposite of what the media tells you.

I sent a troll about “vigilante death squads” as a *private* response to a few hostile journalists who were asking me for comment, basically as a way of saying, “Fuck off.” They then published it. Amazed they were pretending to take my joke as a “threat,” I reposted these stories on Instagram to mock them — and to make it clear that I wasn’t being serious.

Headlines soon appeared claiming that I was “inciting” people to murder journalists. This is wholly false. The only people whipping up hysteria about killing reporters this week were journalists at the Daily Beast and the New York Observer.

If there turns out to be any dimension to this crime related to my private, misreported remarks, the responsibility for that lies squarely and wholly with Will Sommer of the Beast and the Observer’s Davis Richardson for drumming up fake hysteria about a private joke, and with the verified liberals who pretended they thought I was serious.  more here


24 Comments on Milo: Did the Daily Beast and New York Observer Just Get Journalists Killed?

  1. Not interested. Not looking.
    But. . .
    This timeline is set in stone. The MSM cannot unreport what they said on air. Timestamps are Proof. And it’s also logged in a thread here. The MSM Anchorspeculators said it first. Live. On Air.

  2. OTH – progturds are all for it when one of their own openly incites violence in public speaking or on twatter.

    And hasn’t Milo figured out yet that progs have NO sense of humor, and are only looking for any angle they can use against a conservative to make conservatives look like they’re doing what progs actually do and advocate on their own side?

  3. Sorry, Milo. You should know better. You have already experienced what the left does with your words. They will parse every phrase and word to make their base believe what they tell them that you ‘meant’. To make a ‘joke’ like that, you just gave them a wrapped gift.

  4. I’d prefer not to have some flamboyant fag out there doing the commentary for the conservative point of view but I’d rather have another gunslinger aiming at the left than not.
    He appeals to certain groups {guess which} so can be of some help and it shows those that are fairly even handed that we’re not hostile to alternative lifestyles providing they are constitutionalists.

  5. “Amazed they were pretending to take my joke as a “threat,” I reposted these stories on Instagram to mock them — and to make it clear that I wasn’t being serious.”

    Amazed? Milo, please…

    “If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!”

    They’re STILL milking that cow.

  6. In response to a shooting at a 3rd tier newspaper in a third world US city, major newspapers post armed guards outside their HQs.

    That’s sticking to their principles. Some people get shot several states away and they need big mens with black guns to protect their gun free zones.

  7. I stand with Milo: he’s funny and he is *very* good for and with young college conservatives who, mostly, feel as though they’re stuck on an ice floe in the Arctic.

    Progs have a double standard: severed head of Trump….? ….Shakespearean stabbing of the “king” (Trump) in Central Park? Auntie Maxine inciting to riot….. Michael Moore intones on late night comedy, ” The only way that we’re going to stop this is eventually we’re all going to have to put our bodies on the line. You’re going to have to be willing to do this.” Say what, fatso?

    Milo needs defenders. American progs need to lighten up and be stopped from their inane stupidity. …..Lady in Red

  8. Ah, and let’s not forget Sarah Palin’s innocent reference to winning elections as keeping Democrats “in the cross hairs.”

    That line played for weeks and weeks in progworld medialand. What hypocritical idiots they are! ….Lady in Red

  9. Who is responsible for the violence in our society??? Try CNN, MSNBC, Democrat politicians, communist agitators, Soros, the Department of Justice and FBI, the list is long, it does not include Trump.

  10. Never mind that it was a Batshit crazy Hispanic Democrat government union employee that killed 5 with a shot gun, instead of an AR-15 – nothing the libtards can use to beat the right up with there.
    Just going back to blaming the NRA….

  11. There simply are things that should not be joked about. The entire lunatic fringe is already at the tipping point. Think of the movie Falling Down. Lunatics on all sides of the political spectrum are ready to take anything they see as a call to action.
    I know nothing about the shooter so I cant speak to shooters political views, but maybe we can all cool down some, N’est-ce Pas?

  12. I learned 25 years ago at the tender age of 17 to never speak to the media in a way that can be interpreted in any way other than what you intend. Sarcasm, hyperbole and nuance (even a balanced opinion) are not just wasted on them, but totally ignored as long as doing so favors their preconfigured beliefs.

  13. Let’s not overlook the fact that 0bama himself is complicit in fashioning the Anti-Cop narrative acted upon by his would-be sons that resulted in many cops being assassinated. 0bama validated the grievance with each “the cops acted stupidly” and “if I had a son…,” chumming-up to and affirming the “hands up don’t shoot” lie of BLM, and having a DOJ that operated with radical, race-based policies.


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