MILO Ranks Border Wall Prototypes According To How Cruel And Terrifying They Are – IOTW Report

MILO Ranks Border Wall Prototypes According To How Cruel And Terrifying They Are

Milo’s critiques are well thought out 🙂

DANGEROUS: On Tuesday, Daddy inspected the wall prototypes laid out for him in San Diego.

But his favorite faggot beat him by three days, attending an informal guided tour of the border and wall prototypes.

Exclusively for DANGEROUS readers, MILO ranks the prototypes according to the metrics he considers most pertinent: cruelty, scariness and sadism, giving each a mark out of ten on his proprietary Hunger Games Scale.  Go see!

SNIP: I like the idea of being able to see the other side.

25 Comments on MILO Ranks Border Wall Prototypes According To How Cruel And Terrifying They Are

  1. Number 2 reminds me of the obama non-presidential library/mausoleum drawings.

    Think about his “Presidential Library”. The only one that won’t house books, papers, momentos, etc, of an American President.

    You can’t make this stuff up. President Zero produced ZERO, therefore there is zero to fill his library.

    And it looks like, HE is driving that train right into a chasm, just like he did America.

    Maybe he’ll demand those awful portraits be housed there. Wishful thinking.

  2. At first I liked the see-through design, and with the addition of the roll-bar on top (would be cool if it actually rolled. Can you imagine, if an illegal made it that far to reach for the top and have it roll them off as they plummet back to the Mexico side of the ground?! hehe) but not sure now. When he mentioned seeing the sobbing illegals, you know that only the conservatives will be laughing. All the bleeding hearts will want to open the door and let them in.

    So, now I’m for the second to last wall, but replace the top part (I can see them getting a grappling hook up there pretty easily) with the roll-top.

    HINT: Don’t make any part of the wall with texture. Would make it too easy for scaling. Make it as slick as possible. Ooooo, how about a trench at the top filled with grease and when a motion detector senses someone trying to scale it, it releases the grease and oopsy – they go sliding down!

  3. The ancient romans had towers with vats of boiling oil.

    If you see an intruder, dump it on him, then refill and start cooking yummy fried chicken and corn fritters again.

  4. I still think the designers of the challenges for American Ninja Warrior could come up with some very creative tops to these walls. Claudia has some great ideas (I like the roll bar one).

    Milo made looking at these prototypes very entertaining.

  5. Walls #2 and #8 are not only see-through, they’re also more climbable than the others. Throw a cable over the top, let it dangle almost to the ground on the other side, pull it through and hook it to the cable on your side, and you now have a strong immobile climbing rope that won’t let go and doesn’t rely on a grappling hook. Yeah, it would be nice to be able to view the other side, but not at the expense of making the wall insecure.

    Just because mountain climbers couldn’t scale them doesn’t make them unclimbable. Wall #7 looks more secure than most because of the inward-leaning (on the Mexican side)fencing, and if it had concertina wire and was electrified, it would be pretty tough to beat.

    I wonder if anyone has considered a piton gun – shoots a piton into solid rock and can be used just as easily on concrete. Pop, pop, pop, and pretty soon you’re at the top. Tie a rope to the last piton, throw it over the other side, and climb down. THAT’S why you electrify the top.

  6. The drug runners have been packaging their stuff in just the right size to slip through any of the fences with slats or bars. I think it was in AZ that I watched the receivers back up to the wall there, pick up the packaged drugs, dump them in the awaiting trunk and speed away.

  7. Exactly, Phuzzy: NOTHING a grappling hook can latch onto would be good…nor, as AA suggests, any of the tooth-combed bottom designs where all you have to do is wipe out one of those teeth and you’ve made a wide open door.

    Probably a combination of several designs, based on function, need and topography.

  8. Booby traps – would be great if when scaling the wall you could be hit with fire, sharp spikes that suddenly pop out, it suddenly squirt poison or releases toxic gas. How many people are going to scale a wall that does that.

  9. Well, see, here’s the problem with any wall- they can just go around.
    If our side wasn’t so attractive they wouldn’t bother to come here.
    And then the wall would be superfluous.

    So just dry up the bennies!!

  10. Shoot to kill authorization for a 1 mile Dead Zone on the US side.
    Touch the Wall and die.

    Obama when mocking the idea of the Wall sarcastically suggested electrocution wires and a giant moat filled with piranha and giant gators.
    Sounds fine to me.

    And Dr. Evil wants mutant sharks. With freaking laser beams.

  11. It recalls bousillage, which is not only easily penetrated but, even worse, it belongs to poteux-en-terre constructions in French Colonial buildings.

    I couldn’t get over that homospeak to read any more.

  12. We don’t need a frikkin’ wall! All we need is a shitload of CONCERTINA WIRE and a sizable MINE FIELD all covered by a a bunch of well manned GUARD TOWERS & MACHINE GUNS.

  13. funny piece (piece?), ‘Queer Guy For The Wall Eye’, but I really don’t give 2 shits about aesthetic value … I want function.
    any wall can be breached in some way, or another. any wall can be tunneled under. but, a wall will stop most.

    no matter what wall is built they need to have mini-guns w/ motion sensors atop them, a walking platform at the top, on the US side (for patrols & gun maintenance). sensors can be ‘smart’ sensors designed not to target anything below a certain body mass. And, if you insist, there will be speakers mounted atop the walls giving a 1 minute warning to ‘back away’ or suffer the consequences of their actions … yes, in Spainlish & English … have a countdown sequence …. whatever.
    & ground penetrating radar & underground motion sensors.

    maybe build a first wall, then the next one w/ the mini-guns … have a ‘No Man’s Land’ in between … something along a variation of Doc’s idea.

    actually, get a group of iOTW’ers & we could brainstorm something up in a long lunch … as long as the establishment takes iOTW Bucks we’re good! 😉

  14. I like the idea of being able to see the other side

    That means they can also see us. Better to have camera on towers or embedded in the top of the wall. The camera can also be monitored with motion detectors and automatically alert B.P. attempts to scale the wall.

  15. Why do none have an incline outward making scaling it near impossible? That with a rolling device on top to prevent a grapple from getting a purchase. Add a thick and deep field of cactus plants on both sides to further confound any attempted breach.


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