Milwaukee’s sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation – IOTW Report

Milwaukee’s sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation

Just The News:

More than 90 of the 400-plus voting wards in Milwaukee County, a key Wisconsin battleground where Joe Biden beat President Trump on Tuesday, recorded voter turnout of over 90% of registered voters this year, a remarkable outcome in a nation where 68% turnout this election will set a 120-year record.

Astronomical voting rates are often red flags for U.S. voter fraud watchdogs, who see highly elevated local turnout as a possible sign of election malfeasance. But Milwaukee itself is an unusual voting machine, at least for the last two presidential elections. There were many 80%-plus voter turnout wards in 2016 as well, with some over 90% that year too. And no one questioned it then.

Now a lawsuit filed Thursday by the Amistad Project is poised to explore whether the extraordinary turnout figures can be explained merely by civic-minded residents or by a political machine that should warrant suspicion.

Ward-by-ward voting data from this year’s election shows that numerous Milwaukee County voting precincts registered close to 100% voter turnout: Many saw 95% voter engagement, while more saw registered voters turn out at 90% or more. One ward saw 98% of voters cast a ballot. 

Those numbers are not without some precedent. Turnout for many of those wards in 2016 hovered around the 85%-89% range. Many broke 90%, though nowhere near as many as did this year. 

In either case, those rates for both elections, when compared to the average turnout of the U.S. populace, are astronomical: The nationwide voting rate since 2000 has ranged from 50% to about 60%. Where around five out of ten U.S. citizens vote nationwide, many areas of Milwaukee County see almost double that number. read more

6 Comments on Milwaukee’s sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation

  1. seaoh- They have counters to read off the ‘damaged’ ballots so that the copy can me made by hand. Then they are supposed to put the ballots together to show it was fixed.

    Supposedly, it has to be one dem and one Rep watcher when it’s done.

    Here’s the thing though- you are not allowed to call, go to a voter’s house, etc. to ‘cure’ the ballot. That’s illegal because PA legislators did not vote on it. But the PA sec of state illegally said they could. Some counties said it’s illegal and they aren’t doing it.
    That’s why Trump team is going to court. Well, one of the reasons.

    Also, the claim is watermarks don’t exist on ballots.
    But hey, there’s no vote fraud either, right? lol


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