Mind-Bogglingly Oblivious Hillary Supporters Want Her To Repeal The Bill Of Rights – IOTW Report

Mind-Bogglingly Oblivious Hillary Supporters Want Her To Repeal The Bill Of Rights

What in the hell is wrong with these people?

hillary supporters

20 Comments on Mind-Bogglingly Oblivious Hillary Supporters Want Her To Repeal The Bill Of Rights

  1. I was certain that Obama could only be elected by fraudulent means, but the more I see how blindingly stupid the “average” voter actually is I am beginning to doubt my assessment.

  2. Holy shit! Now we see what letting people who can’t even read into “college” leads to. I am dying to leave this shithole, but I have to wait a little more than two years until my son is 18. As of now the fucking burocracy owns him because his mother is mentally ill. An d these government assholes painted me with the same brush.
    This is NOT the America I grew up in. It’s a fucking nightmare, straight out of “1984”

  3. As a Naturalized American citizen it really saddens me when I hear 30 and 40 year old’s chatting about “old fashioned” stuff, like the Bill of Rights. The subject occasionally comes up after a local murder or a mass shooting or something that’s in the news. And only the 2nd Amendment is discussed in a half assed manner
    It seems to me that that is the only Amendment they know about.
    And they don’t know shit about it. They’ll say: Well, nobody has to hunt for food anymore, so why do we need guns? Or, it’s OK to own a gun for target practice or skeet shooting, or sport, as long as you register the gun with the Government. But we don’t need the 2nd Amendment for that!
    Then the subject changes and they go back to bitching about the speed of the greens, the high rough, un-raked sand bunkers and
    the rotten pin position on the 18th green.

    I don’t even attempt to try to explain anymore. A lost generation.

  4. What di you mean, maybe there should be a simple test required to vote? Damn it, there should be a complicated test before anything is allowed to cast a ballot. I’m sick from this shit and always become poorer from it.

  5. The follow-up question shoulda been: Do you believe an entire culture of mind-numbingly stupid, unemployed, uninformed, Politically Correct, barely-aware, self-absorbed, Media-influenced, Government-dependent, food-stamp wielding, Obamaphone-carrying, Escalade-driving, Kool-Aid drinking, busted-ass, entitlement-rich, free-shit-grabbing Lo-Foz, illegal aliens, criminals, two-time Obama-Voting Honey Boo Boo Union Slugs and the planet’s largest collection of Progressive dumb-shitz (all of whom are incapable of processing a sound bite over 10 seconds long that doesn’t rhyme) should be allowed to vote?

  6. Could it be that the lofonofomofos WANT to be complicit in their own path to be enslaved, never thinking for themselves and fully trusting in man? I believe that’s what we’re seeing. Foolish.

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