Mini Mike Bloomberg surpasses $400M in ad spending for 2020 race – IOTW Report

Mini Mike Bloomberg surpasses $400M in ad spending for 2020 race

WaEx: Michael Bloomberg has spent more than double his nearest Democratic presidential primary rival on campaign ads.

Data from political ad tracker Kantar/CMAG shows the former New York City mayor spent roughly $417.7 million as of Sunday morning, which according to CNN’s David Wright, also includes futures reservations.

The amount is 10 times as much as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who leads the delegate race in the contest, have each spent. read more

21 Comments on Mini Mike Bloomberg surpasses $400M in ad spending for 2020 race

  1. Sometimes on Friday evenings I like to listen to blues on YouTube. Almost every damnable video I went to watch last Friday had a Bloomturd advertisement before it would play.

  2. People are starting to find the number of ads he’s running to be offensive.

    That’s not how you get votes, by saturating the media to the point that people are being offended by it.

    Not that I would expect Bloomberg or the Democrats to understand that.

  3. @ Bad_Brad FEBRUARY 17, 2020 AT 2:33 PM

    I bet that this is going over like a turd in the punch bowl with progtards. I was sitting listening to blues on Friday and over and over this assclown has an advertisement come up. I was listening to some progfarts this morning who were in Tacoma for the big Bernout later today. They were going on and on about how Mini Mike is trying to corrupt the process.

  4. Bloomberg media saturation is annoying enough. When his ads introduce a voice from the past, a voice i have not had to suffer for the last three glorious years after he was evicted from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it proves how clueless minuscule mike really is.

    Wipe obama’s jizz off your chin and go home weensie Mike.

  5. While stuck in my recliner for many hours of the day recovering from a total knee replacement, and watching some old TV shows, Bloomberg ads run at every commercial break, and everything he cites as why he should be president lists for me every reason why he should not. I’m getting very proficient with the mute button on the remote.

  6. Imagine spending that kind of money and STILL being one of the country’s biggest CREEPS!

    The guy is just creepy, nasty and weird. Even Democrats are seeing it. And they’re generally not too bright.

  7. @ Bad_Brad FEBRUARY 17, 2020 AT 2:52 PM

    The Bernouts are dedicated to destruction of the country. The ones I overheard were from Whitman county, all the way on the other end of the State of Washington.

  8. Well Jeb! Spent 150 million for a few delegates. What does $400 million buy, triple that?! Not even seriously targeted, I hear 2 in a row on am radio listening to Rush and he had an ad every commercial break during the Daytona 500. This against a guy that won spending less money than other candidates.

  9. During the news at 4:00 AM this morning, what comes on? A Gloomberg ad touting his compassionate treatment, while mayor of NYC, of the family of the first Fire Fighter to die during 9/11. At 4:00 AM!! C’mon give it a break.

    Given his arrogant and condescending attitude toward working class middle class people, that just reeked of phoniness. He’s building a media image, and the sad thing is that the low information and crazy TDS impaired voters will swoon over his emotion-based ad campaign.

    However, I still think he’s wasting his money. His real life comments and actions are too well documented to be whitewashed by a fake PR campaign.


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