Mini Mike Bloomberg volunteers to run Cuomo’s coronavirus test and trace ‘army’ – IOTW Report

Mini Mike Bloomberg volunteers to run Cuomo’s coronavirus test and trace ‘army’

Cuomo appoints Mini Mike to run his nanny army. And hopes to expand it into neighboring states. Everyone will receive their ‘papers’ and you better be ready to show them at a moments notice, when the need arises.
What if someone objects?
Who is exempt from forced isolation?

Just The News: Gov. Andrew  Cuomo announced Wednesday that Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City and failed presidential candidate, will help the state develop and lead a program to test for Covid-19 and trace people who have had contact with infected individuals.

Cuomo says if people test positive for coronavirus, the “tracing army,” will trace all the contacts of that positive person, and then putting those people in isolation so no other people are infected. read more

18 Comments on Mini Mike Bloomberg volunteers to run Cuomo’s coronavirus test and trace ‘army’

  1. All those keyboard commando types beating their chests and screaming about rights and freedom, from the safety of hiding behind their keyboards, about how they’ll take up arms if the government ever encroaches on their liberties and freedom ……. Well where are they now that the government has made the most totalitarian, dictatorial, and freedom encroaching move in the history of the country since the revolutionary war?

    Cowering behind their keyboard, of course. The truth is they had already given up and were just trying to make themselves feel better about it to pretend they hadn’t.

    The American people, America itself, has fallen and the people don’t even know it yet.

    It will not recover what it has lost.

  2. What does Fauci think? Contact-tracing sounds like a boondoggle to me, so he must be for it. And if Bloomberg runs the show, it will become nothing more than another Democrat GOTV/campaign vector funded by taxpayers. Please, PDT, don’t let them lead you down the primrose path on this. Listen to Dr.McCaughey:

    “Lancet Global Health scientists conclude that contact tracing will work when “less than 1 percent of transmission occurred before the onset of symptoms.” That’s the opposite of the coronavirus: Victims are most contagious before or just as their symptoms begin, research indicates. By the time they are diagnosed and asked for contacts, those contacts are already infecting others.”

  3. I live in upstate and am on the border of elder at risk population by virtue of my age. All I can say is bring it on Mikey…..I refuse to participate in any police state testing program. I know most all my neighbors and practically everyone I know will refuse as well. I am not marching off to the ‘camps’ either. I have had enough of this Orwellian drama that is playing out. Time to switch our reading to Ayn Rand and get societies heads out of their asses.

  4. The idiots wouldn’t allow testing and tracing of that horribly life threatening Venereal disease HIV, but the flu gets the full Monty. Makes demoncrat sense to me.

    I especially love their mandate, ‘show your papers’ or off to the ghetto/gulag. Damn commie/socialist/fascist NAZI demoncrat bastards!

  5. @Tony R April 23, 2020 at 10:37 am

    > If I had a business, I would just open it up. If the cops shut it down, sue them.

    You can NOT make me believe you do NOT have a business.

    “Nice place you got here. Be a shame if I had to ‘ticket’ it. Into my own pocket.”


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