‘Mini Mike’ Bloomberg Won’t Explain Stop-And-Frisk Comments, Says Trump’s the Racist – IOTW Report

‘Mini Mike’ Bloomberg Won’t Explain Stop-And-Frisk Comments, Says Trump’s the Racist


On Tuesday afternoon, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg responded to the accusations of racism that followed the release of audio from a 2015 speech in which the former mayor claimed young black men were responsible for 95 percent of murders and in which he called for disarming of the victims though stop-and-frisk policing. President Donald Trump briefly joined in the attacks, tweeting and then deleting the message, “WOW, BLOOMBERG IS A TOTAL RACIST!”

In an official statement, Bloomberg flipped the accusation on Trump, accusing him of trying to divide Americans with “racist rhetoric.”

“President Trump’s deleted tweet is the latest example of his endless efforts to divide Americans,” Bloomberg said. He admitted to and apologized for the stop-and-frisk policy, but kept his focus on Trump. read more

13 Comments on ‘Mini Mike’ Bloomberg Won’t Explain Stop-And-Frisk Comments, Says Trump’s the Racist

  1. Wait!
    Trump’s a racist for pointing out that what Bloomberg said in 2015 is racist?

    Isn’t that like Impeaching the President for asking questions about the impeachable offenses the prior VP committed?

  2. I’ve read so far that Bloomberg has spent about $248 million so far on anti Trump ads. Aside from wondering whether his whole campaign is a fake and that he’s trying to dirty up Trump in preparation for the real Democrat Candidate to step forward (I know, but the tinfoil hat looks so good on me :.) I also wonder if the whole amount is tax deductible and if so, how much of that he’s actually out of pocket and how much the taxpayer is having to subsidize.

  3. Is it true Bloomberg is only 5’4?

    If that really is the case what we need is an army of psychiatrists explaining the “Napoleon Complex” or short men can be bat-crap crazy. Now to be clear- I’m not saying that all short men are nuts. But if CNN can have guest after guest psycho analyzing Trump then why can’t we have experts quoting the book on crazy short people?

  4. Too late Comrade Bloomtard, it’s already out there and your media flunkies can’t hide it. My suggestion is have people go to his so called rallies, (more like paid audiences)and have them ask him about his racist comments while he’s live on camera.

  5. If Bloomberg (5’-4) ends up getting the nomination, I hope Donald Trump (6’-3) ends up wearing lifts to the debates. Imagine the 2 of them standing next to each other shaking hands?

  6. So you’re saying all the Blacks who support Trump are ignorant for doing so?
    Ben Carson might be interested in hearing that….
    Yeah, go ahead and insult an entire voting block-worked well for Hitlery!

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