‘Mini Mike’ Jumps to 3rd Place (Really Second) Nationally as New Hampshire Prepares to Vote – IOTW Report

‘Mini Mike’ Jumps to 3rd Place (Really Second) Nationally as New Hampshire Prepares to Vote

CTH: Instead of running the ’15/’16 splitter plan that worked in 2012 for Mitt Romney; if the GOP Club had planned with Jeb in the 2016 cycle to hang back until Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio could launch attacks against Donald Trump – then enter the race in March for the Florida splash… that would be somewhat analogous to what we are seeing within the revised plan currently underway within the 2020 DNC Club.

Right now, in the entry primaries, the DNC priority is ‘Never Bernie’; and toward that end Pete Buttigieg is the tool. However, in the background the DNC Club is positioning Bloomberg to save the day, and that is becoming visible in new national polling. more

11 Comments on ‘Mini Mike’ Jumps to 3rd Place (Really Second) Nationally as New Hampshire Prepares to Vote

  1. Bloomburg’s ads are so slick and deceptive that lots of people are being taken in by his false positive glow. The man is a snake poised to harm America with his hidden agenda.

  2. Now that the dem dumpster fire hit four-alarm status Buttigieg is the star. He has enough paper achievements for libs to use as shit-posting ammo: Navy vet, mayor, and as far as we know he’s not a pedophile. He’s minority enough [gay] for progressives to virtue signal and routinely kisses the asses of entitled black activists/parasites.

    What’s not to like? I don’t like the fact that there are probably some never-Trumpers that see this guy as legit. I really want to see a Bernie/Joe President/VP nomination.

    MAGA/KAG 2020

  3. Trump would destroy Bloomer in a debate while hiding his stool to show how little a man he is in every way. Mikey will be shoving gay ice cream up his butt to sooth the ass kicking he’d receive.

  4. Imagine the video footage of a NYC video debate.

    Thousands of cops with their backs to Bloomberg. Would be fantastic TV.

    And then debating MS-13 on live debates…..

    Also, why the term “mini Mike”? The only thing I can guess at is that “Big Mike” has already been used.

  5. Bloomberg/Buttigieg2020

    Little Mayors, big bumper sticker.

    Bernie? He’s running Third Party when they screw him over again. If he doesn’t have another heart attack first.


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