‘For over two years, I have been reporting how the REPUBLICAN PARTY was responsible for helping rig the 2020 elections in collusion with the Democrats.’
This write-up is a response to a press request for questions from myself, a whistleblower. The MSM today formulates their “reporting” based on some truth or little truth or no truth as long as it fits their targeted narrative. The press in the United States of America is no longer impartial and obviously works for someone other than the truth. Fact-checkers aka the Ministry of Truth is comprised of the same organizations that peddled the Russia Collusion theory for four years. #NeverForget
Tore Says.com: For over two years, I have been reporting how the REPUBLICAN PARTY was responsible for helping rig the 2020 elections in collusion with the Democrats. Cindy McCain, along with representation from the IRI, had a delegation go to Ukraine to “observe” their elections. Zelensky was (s) elected in a landslide win with over 70% of the votes. His story is an interesting one. Before becoming President of Ukraine, he was simply a comedian – and not even a well-known one. People usually mocked Zelensky, calling him “twinkle toes.”
Though what no one speaks of is the established, and now verified, close relationship between Ukraine and the 44th administration, which includes Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. Obama helped “usher” in their 2014 elections after Joe told them to fire a prosecutor or get no money. Ironically, in that same year, his son Hunter Biden is appointed to the board of Burisma. This is cited on page 27 of my 2020 Election Fraud affidavit. The whole affidavit, completely cited and sourced, has never been disproven. In fact, almost everything I have declared under penalty of perjury over two years has been corroborated.
In 2014, your federal tax dollars were given to Ukraine for elections and 2000 temporary employees and 250 permanent employees to “help execute the elections” in Ukraine. The 2020 elections would suffer the same fate as the 2014 elections. Ukraine stopped counting votes in the middle of the night. By the morning, the person trailing behind won, and they blamed it on Russia. They quickly swept it under the rug, and declared a victory for the guy Joe nominated.
While our tax dollars are funding PBS (Public Broadcasting Systems) to berate and obfuscate actual election fraud, individual organizations, like Pro Publica, are “Fact-Checking” something they already deemed to be untrue and coin as the big lie. These are the same “fact-checkers” that perpetuated the BIG LIE that there was Russian Collusion and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinfo”.
While Pro Publica sent me questions to answer in the course of their “fact-checking”, they were also attempting to convince people, who know me personally, that they, in “fact” know me better and that they should be embarrassed to be my friends. I have never met either of these fact-checkers.
For someone who is a “conspiracy theorist,” I sure am right a lot of the time. MORE
The only thing that surprises me anymore is that the truth ever gets out in the first place.
Republican ranks are filled with traitorus back stabbers. The “republican” leading the senate is one of them.
@ Extirpates MARCH 18, 2022 AT 3:00 PM
Another unpopular opinion that I have been expressing and posting for well over a decade that I am no longer getting any pushback on. It was so transparently obvoius that that fucking shitbag weasel Paul Ryan was colluding behind the scenes with Democrats to scuttle Donald Trump’s agenda, particularly the shit the Goddamned shit weasel pulled on ObamaCare that he may as well be doing it out in the open.
Couldn’t have been more obvious that the worthless, piece of shit GOPe helped the democracts steal the election by doing absolutely nothing to stop their blatant cheating. It’s one political party in DC pretending to be two. It’s as simple as that. They can all burn in Hell.
@ TheMule MARCH 18, 2022 AT 3:15 PM
“doing absolutely nothing to stop their blatant cheating”
Nobody in their right mind has any reasonable expectation the worthless GOPe would do anything stop their “friends across the aisle” any longer, the best anyone can hope for is that they stop engaging in the collusion with the Democrats they are so obviously engaging in.
Worthless peice of shit, darn we finally agree on something, can now be found swimming with the alligators.
Barney Frank and Lindsey Graham reached across the aisle countless times…for each other’s crotch.
I think most of us know propublica is another Soros funded outlet.