Minneapolis: Defund the Police’ Movement Spectacularly Fails – IOTW Report

Minneapolis: Defund the Police’ Movement Spectacularly Fails


In an astonishing defeat for the “Defund the Police” movement, the city of Minneapolis is set to spend $6.4 million hiring dozens more police officers.

Activists and far-left politicians in the city have been pushing to defund the department since the death of George Floyd, which sparked riots and terror across the nation. more

13 Comments on Minneapolis: Defund the Police’ Movement Spectacularly Fails

  1. “hiring dozens more police officers” sounds great but most likely, the good ones already left and it depends on what the criteria will be for the new hires. Given that the local politicians have already proven themselves to be idiots I don’t hold any hope at all for qualified law enforcement candidates to be considered.

  2. ..it won’t help. A police department here in a majority Black community decided it needed to have a majority Black police force, but there weren’t enough qualified Black police that met the standards that would work for the money.

    So they dropped the standards.

    …they then ended up with MORE police brutality and beatings that you never heard about because it was Black on Black, a felon as a sworn, armed officer, and a department with so much unprofessionalism and so many lawsuits that they couldn’t get insurance and had to disband and contract with the County Sheriff instead.

    …if you’re hiring cops for “wokeness”, you’re better off not hiring them at all.

    …because crap like THAT is what you end up with…

  3. DrRiff: It’s not that no qualified people will be considered; none will even apply to be considered.

    I sure as hell wouldn’t apply.

    ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS: And the anti-police people will be sure to use those figures to show how bad police are. Seattle was talking about not using a criminal record as a reason to disqualify an applicant.

  4. RadioMattM
    FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 1:24 AM

    …you are correct about that.

    …my church participated in a Prayer Walk for Peace in this fairly violent neighborhood before the police force was disbanded, the only mixed race (not solidly Black) congregation to do so. This was followed by a “peace rally” at a local school, at which the Black police were at as both security and as invited guests.

    Where they were treated like shit by thus room full of supposed “Christians”.

    …I didn’t know about the police issues at the time, but the neighborhood didn’t seem to care for them, and this at a STOP THE VIOLENCE’ rally. They actually had speakers who would come on stage and verbally assail the police as a whole, right next to the police seated on the stage.

    Whatever the problems they had, the officers did not react at the time, although I was deeply embarrassed for having participated in what had turned into an anti-Police rally where they didn’t even address the topic we were puntatively there for, which was young Black men shooting other young Black men, no police required. It broke up midst the sound of djemie drums and with only a message of hatred for law imparted by this “Christian” peace rally. However justified they may have felt, you’d think men of the cloth would know better than to lend the name of the Lord to this nonsense, but you’d be wrong.

    My Pastor was not pleased by the turn of events either. We never participated in events organized by this group again.

    Which was mostly put off to racism despite our Black members.

    And so it goes in the Black community.

    …and they wonder why the violence doesn’t stop…

  5. Any hope for police reform ended within an hour of Floyd’s death. BLM and the media destroyed it and we’re all paying the price. Wannabe tyrants are the only people applying for police jobs now.

  6. And they will hire the dregs because no cop with half a brain will choose to work in a place that hates them and is looking to punish,fire or jail them for any reason at all.
    DC and Baltimore both did this and those holes just got deeper.

  7. Because of the Marxist city government in Oh Stink, Tex Ass, I am starting my second COLD day without power. At least said government defunded the police so money would be available to buy hotel for the homeless. $30,000,000.

  8. Any church with a rainbow 🌈 flag or sign = communist/ Marxism.
    Stay clear.
    I remember reading about Winston Churchill meeting some people in Rome that claim to be Christian communist.
    Being quick on his feet he said to them, “it must give you great comfort living so close to the catacombs.”


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