Minneapolis: Judge calls man who torched police station ‘a good person who made a terrible mistake’ – IOTW Report

Minneapolis: Judge calls man who torched police station ‘a good person who made a terrible mistake’

NYP: The last of four men who pleaded guilty in the torching of a Minneapolis police station in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death has been sentenced by a judge — who called him a “good person who made a terrible mistake.”

Bryce Michael Williams, 27, a former college hoopster and social media influencer, was sentenced by a federal judge to two years and three months behind bars and ordered to pay $12 million in restitution for the damage, the Star Tribune reported.

US District Judge Patrick Schiltz on Monday called him a “good person who made a terrible mistake,” which is why he imposed a shorter prison sentence than prescribed by federal guidelines.

But Schiltz turned down Williams’ request for probation, describing him as a leader — “not a follower” — in the violent mob that burned the police station during riots, according to the news outlet. read more

14 Comments on Minneapolis: Judge calls man who torched police station ‘a good person who made a terrible mistake’

  1. Just as I thought! I didn’t have to GTR. He’s a good boy, he was going to be a doktor! He dindu nuffin! Where he goin to git 12 million dolla to pay back. No, you pay him for reparations!

  2. Well at least we got some resolution, however weak and disappointing.

    Whatever happened to the alleged White Supremacist Biker known as “Umbrella Man”, who torched that Minneapolis Autozone last July? Police claimed that that knew his name, but never produced it or charged him, as far as I know. How could they let such a violent, destructive racist remain anonymous and un-indicted? Unless he was not who they said he was.


    And whatever happened to the three “Boogaloo Boys” who were nabbed by the FBI for allegedly fomenting riots last June in Las Vegas? Never heard anything about them again after they were arrested. You’d think the punishment of three dangerous white racist domestic terrorists would be big news.


  3. Kcir June 11, 2021 at 10:00 am

    Great Judge.

    Why don’t you take him in a let him live with you?

    I said that to a cop once when entering the post office to get my mail. Two homeless men and their dogs were asleep in the PO. When I saw them sleeping, I called the police. Cop arrives, he goes inside the PO comes back out and says “Oh, I know them, they’re nice guys.” I said “well if they’re such nice guys, why don’t you load them up and take them to your house and your wife and kids can babysit them. They’ll have the dogs to play with.” Need I say he didn’t like what I said. I told the cop that I have a right to get my mail without being afraid to go inside the building. Got my mail and left. PO got smart and locked the building after 10 pm.

  4. Hey, judge. If the man who rapes, tortures, and murders your daughter by burning her alive (heaven forbid) turns out to be a college grad and social(ist) media “influencer” would you also call him a good person who made a terrible mistake?


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