Minneapolis, Minnesota business owner trying to get back his stolen vehicle charged with assault with a deadly weapon – IOTW Report

Minneapolis, Minnesota business owner trying to get back his stolen vehicle charged with assault with a deadly weapon

LET: MINNEAPOLIS, MN – A business owner in Minneapolis, Minnesota finds himself in hot water today after tracking down the person who stole his car…while the suspect was still in the vehicle.

The business owner, Christopher Kilburn, is now charged with second-degree assault with a deadly weapon.
The incident started on November 2nd when Kilburn found his business in Brooklyn Park had been burglarized. While assessing the area, he also noted that one of his vehicles had been stolen. more

12 Comments on Minneapolis, Minnesota business owner trying to get back his stolen vehicle charged with assault with a deadly weapon

  1. I hate to agree with the cops but he over responded. Chase the guy and pound the crap out of him but shoot him as he’s running away? Nope.

    What if he had killed that guy? yeah I know, 1 less fucking criminal to deal with but stealing a car isn’t a capital offense.

  2. Tamburino then offered this advice (slightly modified 🙂 )

    “You should always call 911 before you react, so we can send social workers to defuse the situation.”

  3. They can shoot you with a stolen gun and it’s fine, they’ll be out in 24 hrs. BUT if you shoot them with a legal gun in defense of…anything… it’s go to jail forever time.

  4. I understand why he got charged. (unfortunately)

    He could have phoned it in to the cops.
    The guy was fleeing ( no threat).
    He could have followed along and tailed the vehicle to a location where it could be retrieved. Who knows, if the cops would show up (IF, now days) at the asshole’s residence, they may have found more things to charge the original thief with.

    Don’t Get me wrong, I truly support the Death Penalty, but the Citizen KNOWS the Political Climate, City, & Current Jackass in the White House and all that that means.

    I hope he gets off though…

  5. 2 questions

    1. Didn’t police in Minn, MN get defunded? Call 911 for help and have a social worker dispatched perhaps
    2. Are the black people in his community going to rise to the defense of a black man being persecuted this way? This is one time I’d be on their side

  6. This is a tough one. If the car thief is white, Kilburn walks. If the thief is black, it is a draw. If the thief is one of the LGBLT preferred groups, Kilburn will be in prison for a long time.


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