Minneapolis: Muslim charged with threatening to shoot his wife the night before being sworn in as a cop – IOTW Report

Minneapolis: Muslim charged with threatening to shoot his wife the night before being sworn in as a cop


Jihad Watch: Mohamed Noor, the Muslim cop who shot an unarmed woman, Justine Damond, had been fast-tracked onto the force so that the Minneapolis police could showcase their “diversity.” Now it looks as if the Minneapolis Police Department was trying to do it again with Ahmed Mohamed Jama. After the shooting of Justine Damond, there was no reevaluation of the wisdom of hiring police officers based on their religion and ethnicity rather than their merit. And so here we go again.


12 Comments on Minneapolis: Muslim charged with threatening to shoot his wife the night before being sworn in as a cop

  1. Police forces across the nation had better start standing up for their own integrity. When they knuckle under to pols and their Diversity Hire cops, and when they stand by while those who support cops are beaten bloody by those who want to kill cops, they are sending a bad message to everyone. It’s hard to say “Blue lives matter” through a mouthful of broken teeth or a bullet hole in your forehead.

  2. Too bad journalism is dead in Minneapolis as even a young investigative reporter could probably mine a Pulitzer Prize out of this story. One woman dead another threatened with her life because of an affirmative action program gone horribly wrong and the officials that tried covering it up and the citizens of the city put in jeopardy.

  3. Obviously this is islamophobia rearing its ugly head!

    It’s an islamic tradition and a cultural thing.

    Everyone is so closed minded.
    If we allow more islamic refugees American attitudes will change. You know like homosexuals, transgenders, pedophiles and other immoral perverts are now accepted.

    Come on jump on the progressive/socialist/democratic band wagon. What do you have to lose? The republic?

  4. Any Mouse, nope, nope nope! Not going back!

    Funny thing, though. I worked for an education based company so it was full of liberals. A day or two after the “nervous cop” killed the blonde lady, talk at work was very interesting. Not one – no liberal – said anything in support of the muzzie. They ALL said it was wrong of the police force to hire someone for diversity and not qualified to be a cop. You could have pushed me over with a feather. I didn’t say a word, just enjoyed the irony.

    Could the worm be turning?

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