Minneapolis police chief: Muslim killer cop Mohamed Noor “very suited to be on the street” – IOTW Report

Minneapolis police chief: Muslim killer cop Mohamed Noor “very suited to be on the street”

Geller Report:

Well suited?

He hated women and blacks.


He was nasty, irritable, and “very jumpy.”

When his neighbor Chris Miller heard that a cop killed a woman, Miller was quoted as saying: “”When they say a policeman shot an Australian lady I thought uh, oh but then when they said who it was I was like, ‘okay’.”

His neighbor knew. The police department must have known as well. But they kept him on the force because firing him would have been islamofauxbic.


32 Comments on Minneapolis police chief: Muslim killer cop Mohamed Noor “very suited to be on the street”

  1. So, how many other “well-suited” Somalis are patrolling the streets of Minneapolis? That’s a closely guarded secret, I suppose. Just like the day when Noor returns to work will be a day without fanfare. And he’ll be back, guaranteed.

  2. The unqualified, affirmative action hire cop “was well suited to be on the streets” said the unqualified, affirmative action hire police chief.

    We’re not only surrounded by incompetent, dull witted, reality denying boobs these days but they are put in positions of authority over sane people.

  3. Just so you know; even the ultra liberals I work with know this was a fuck-up. We know he should never have been fast tracked and skipped over all the training he should have had. Lots of talk – and if I was a mean person, I would tell them they all sound like conservatives. Only one person is holding out for more info and she has a muslim sister-in-law. But she still agrees that he never should have been a cop.

  4. 7 months of that animals time as an officer was spent in the police academy which is the minimum national average to be nationally accredited, which they are. He had appx 24 months total time as a cop.

    So in less then 18 months time, this savage had 3 abuse complaints filed by women, 1 civil rights lawsuit filed by a woman, and the 4th woman was a 911 caller, not involved 3rd party, unarmed, and he shot and killed her. It can only be guessed upon as to how many additional women/civilians he abused but were afraid to come forward to make complaints that we just dont know about.

    This boob police chief says he was fit to be on the street??? Are you joking? Bare in mind this dope was on a probationary status during the time he did all this. At what point does the chief decide this guy may need to be removed from the street? Any other major police department would have fired him before he had the chance to kill this unarmed woman. That is simply a fact.

    In NYC recently a police sergeant with 10 years of experience shot a maniac woman inside a confined apartment living room. He had been called by neighbors reporting a crazy lady threatening neighbors. She had first pulled a pair of scissors on him and threatened to stab him. She then picked up a baseball bat and began to swing it at him. He fired once and killed her.

    The following morning the police chief condemned the sergeant, threw him under the bus and said he failed doing his job. A month later he has been indicted for murder. In this case, the man is innocent and acted 1000% appropriately. But it just goes to show the contrast. Of course he was a white Irish male and the maniac woman was black.

    Go figure.

  5. It’s official. I have to take the weekend off from all of this.
    Curmudgeon meter is off the charts.
    Started with the weekly County paper, where English is not well understood and the entries were idiotic pablum, editor doesn’t know the difference between ‘a way’ and away. This caption was actually published on page 1 covering a concert. “More than 8,000 people from packing into the Kingswood amphitheater…”

    Front page. Ignorant.

    Checking out for a while.
    You seriously don’t want to hear my opinions right now

  6. The Chief has reportedly resigned.
    The Mayor should be next.

    The bereaved family’s suit against the City should be a slam dunk.
    I hope it’s an all time record breaking amount. If it bankrupts the City the message will be received nationally.

    She seems a fine human being. A genuine loss.

  7. When we started to reward people by the color of their skin (affirmative Action) instead of the content of their character (most able) we moved a mass of unqualified, ignorant, arrogant and in most cases stupid fools into positions of authority and decision making (for example see Congress and the Judiciary branches) and are now reaping the whirlwind of unmitigated disasters as the country rapidly declines into soon to be third world status.

  8. From what I gather from the Geller Report and your comments here Mohamad Noor was not “suited to be” a cop, and neither was Dickless
    Harteau suited to be a Police Chief. I’m glad she resigned.
    I can’t believe Noor fired a shot across his partner’s body and killed Ms. Diamond. If I was his partner I’d beat the piss out of him with my cocobolo. Phucking asshole.
    And yes, Mike Brown… Sgt. Hugh Berry NYPD shot a maniac who was attacking him with a baseball bat. He was thrown under the by both the Police Commissioned and the mayor. He is now being charged with
    Manslaughter by another black, affirmative action DA in the Bronx.
    God Help Us All.

  9. Never go full Susan Rice.

    “Suited to be on the streets”? I what f***ing universe? The one that has cops shooting people every time they hear a loud noise? The one where three complaints in two years makes you a good cop?

    I’m pretty sure this bastard isn’t talking because he knows just about anything he says will either be an exposed lie later (which will screw and possibly convict him) or just reveal how unfit he is to be a cop.

    And as for that partner of his, I have a feeling he’s being pressured to STFU.

  10. Mayor of Minneapolis Shouted down by protestors. She has a weird hair-do. You gals. Is it just uncombed or is that a new style?
    Also, I hear that the MPD officers were resisting wearing body cams.
    Man, I wish I was a journalist. I have so many questions, like is the mayor a left wing commie and is the dickless chief a bull dyke?
    Stuff like that is important to know. Minneapolis mirrors NYC, I think. I used to have a cop friend in Minneapolis, an old Army buddy, but he passed on a few years ago, RIP Bill. If you were around I’d get the real story.

  11. There’s only one way to deal with this with an exclamation point. And it’s not in court and nobody has the appetite. So we’re Europe. Give that Muzzie a raise and a new partner. The last ones deaf.

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