Minneapolis Police Chief Resigns Following Shooting Of Unarmed Australian Woman – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Police Chief Resigns Following Shooting Of Unarmed Australian Woman

DC: Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau resigned Friday, just five days after one of the department’s officers shot an unarmed Australian woman who had just dialed 911 to report a possible crime outside her home.

Harteau resigned at the request of Minneapolis Democratic-Farmer Labor Party Mayor Betsy Hodges. “I’ve lost confidence in the chief’s ability to lead us further,” Hodges said in a statement Friday.  more here

24 Comments on Minneapolis Police Chief Resigns Following Shooting Of Unarmed Australian Woman

  1. That pucking Dyke should never have been a police chief. That phucking muslim should never have been a cop.
    I hope officer Mathew Harrity, the asswipe’s partner, gives a statement to us soon.

  2. This reminds me of a line from one of my all time favorite movies, Absence of Malice, when Paul Newman says,

    ” Everybody in this room is smart, and everybody was just doing their job, and Teresa Perrone is dead. Who do I see about that?”

  3. Leftists are turning this once beautiful American city into another Detroilet. It’s that stupid f@cking virtue signaling, ‘I’m a good person, better than you, I’m not racist’ mentality where they blindly ignore all common sense. MLK was right – judge a person by the content of their character. WTF is so wrong with these people?

  4. BLM hate group is trying to hijack this tragedy for their own reasons. I’m afraid they’re going to start something and people are going to get hurt, as usual with them.

    This in no way compares to police shootings of criminals who deserved to be shot.

    This is a case of an imported savage, who NEVER should have been given a position of power and a license to kill, by a bunch of fluffy headed politicians who are incapable of facing reality.

  5. I had college chums who would go “sound hunting” in the fall and shoot anything that made noise. They once killed a moose that way but this is what happened in MN, that Somalian was “sound hunting” like Elamer Fudd and with his attitude toward tender white women it was more than he could bear. BAM!
    And funny dat, all his superiors were women too, BAM, BAM, BAM!

  6. Affirmative Action Gone Wild! The Mayor ought to resign and run for the post again if she feels no responsibility for what happened. Of course it won’t happen and she’ll start looking for a replacement chief who is a black, transgendered bisexual woman (lesbian) to male (gay) socialist, antifa supporter. What a dump.

  7. MN and the Twin Cities have really turned into a multicultural bizarro dysfunctional feceshole. The MSP airport is total 3rd world, like stepping into the Horn of Africa. A place best avoided, why anyone would go there for other than a few nice summer months, anyway, is beyond me.

  8. Did you read that the mayor relplaced the white, female chief with a black, female chief? How is the situation going to change now? It’s not going to get any better until they change liberal to conservative principles. That place is going downhill fast…

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