Minneapolis Refugees Are Being Actively Recruited by ISIS TERRORISTS – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Refugees Are Being Actively Recruited by ISIS TERRORISTS


Pete Hegseth reports for ‘Fox & Friends’ after a judge sentences three Minnesota men for their roles in supporting ISIS.


7 Comments on Minneapolis Refugees Are Being Actively Recruited by ISIS TERRORISTS

  1. This has been going on for 15-20 years. Dem and RINO rule did this to us. Democrat Gov. Dayton is such a fool (some say mentally unstable, but I repeat myself) that this election provided MN with a striking change in state government – mostly Republican. I’m so looking forward to Dayton’s head exploding. I hope it happens before I move out.

    And, please God, let Trump’s presidency clear out all of the terrorists from America. I don’t care where they go; they just can’t stay here.

  2. We should ‘bug’ all refugee quarters. They’re not Americans, they have no constitutional rights. Their residences are not their property so the landlord could give consent. Well, it sounds good to me anyway.

  3. The democratic convention here was conducted entirely in Somali. The state went 60% Hilary. Hennepin county more so. We’re Swedes going the way of Sweden. Cedar-Riverside is the West bank of the U of M. You can’t walk alone there. It’s assimilate to Muslim standards oe move out. This state has been successfully colonized by Somalia.
    We’re paying through the nose. A member of a west metro city county told me the average Somali household theretherecollects collects around 100k annually in multiple benefits from housing, food, childcare, and heating. And they expect it.

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