Minnesota: First Somali Muslim On Minneapolis Police Force Convicted Of Murder – IOTW Report

Minnesota: First Somali Muslim On Minneapolis Police Force Convicted Of Murder

Freedom Outpost—-I’m actually surprised given all the cover that Somali Muslims have been given in that area, but the verdict against Minneapolis Police Department’s first Somali Muslim, Mohamed Noor, was handed down on Tuesday in the case of the murder of Justine Ruszczyk Damon.  He was convicted of both murder and manslaughter.

According to the Star Tribune:

Mohamed Noor became the first former Minnesota police officer found guilty of an on-duty murder Tuesday as a Hennepin County jury convicted him for the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk Damond in 2017.

Jurors reached their verdict after about 10 hours of sequestered deliberations in a case that was closely watched nationwide and in Damond’s native Australia. They convicted Noor of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter but acquitted him of the most serious count — second-degree murder.

Noor, 33, sat expressionless with his hands clasped in front of him as the verdict was read in court just before 5 p.m. One juror hung his head while others sat calmly.  more here

32 Comments on Minnesota: First Somali Muslim On Minneapolis Police Force Convicted Of Murder

  1. That Somali Muslim man was probably never qualified to be on the police force. The liberals running Mpls and Minnesota these days are at fault. They didn’t do Noor any favors. He was apparently devastated after the shooting (having heard the testimony of witnesses). An innocent woman was killed. Her family has suffered a great loss. Noor and his family have been ruined. It’s a sad sad case all around.

    Ilhad Omar, on the other hand, is a disgusting ungrateful hateful bitch who doesn’t deserve to be in this country much less hold a seat of any kind in Congress

  2. I thank GOD (not Allah Satan) that Noor was convicted of murder. This Filthy Mohammedan Savage is a poster child for the Lefts precious “diversity”.

    What has always made this country great and what this country needs now more than ever is ASSIMILATION by it’s legal immigrants.

    In the meantime, is the City of Mnpls going to pay for the disability and hearing aids for Noors police partner? Ever go inside an indoor shooting range without earmuffs? Now imagine being INSIDE A CAR and some asshole shoves a 9mm past your face and fires it. That’s what happened to Noors partner. Truly a WTF Is Wrong With You? Moment

  3. That poor woman (a yoga teacher or some such gentle soul) was in her PJs and he shot her. Oh, he didn’t mean to do it, but let’s not forget that his religion thinks nothing of dispatching women to meet their maker if they do not live up to its standards. She may not have been adequately clothed. And he thought nothing about it. Shoot first. Think later. Well, honey, you’re in America now. You wanted to come here. And now, there you are.

  4. Too bad we still don’t have the Electric Chair for pieces of shit like this.
    I’d add a telegraph key switch to it so you could tap out a message to him in Morse Code…
    or just give him a shot for every time he prayed to his hairy Cosmic Pedophile!

  5. “islamophobia” made him jumpy!!!!!!!!! fookin’ really? and people wonder why I don’t watch the news or read a paper…..
    No place for islam in the U.S……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. This happened one month before I moved out of MN. Because of the large Somali community there, plus the left’s hold on the Twin Cities, I “knew” he was going to get off and not suffer any consequences.

    Imagine my surprise to read this headline. Surprised and pleased. I agree with Saxindacity that blame belongs with the liberals running Minneapolis. It also belongs with Obama for bringing them and concentrating them there in order to gain a foothold in our country. And it also belongs to the man who pulled the trigger. Yes, he was not qualified, but that does not excuse his willingness to murder (which most likely involved his muslime beliefs).

    He was poorly trained (if he had been properly trained, they never would have put him on the street and kept him at a desk job pushing paper) and no one listened to the people who voiced doubt that he was qualified. I’m sure many more had doubt, but in order to save their jobs, did not voice their concerns.

    The fact that this was not pushed under the rug and given him a slap on the wrist makes me have hope. We are not at that point where we have totally lost our country. I pray to Creator God that this is a turning point.

  7. …if I’d have been his partner and this retard reached across ME and fired his weapon in front of MY face like that, I would have shot him MYSELF regardless of what he was shooting at…

    …shame his partner didn’t have the reaction time to pull his arm down, or otherwise spoil his aim, but them Somalis are pretty jumpy and unpredictable, so he probably couldn’t get over his surprise fast enough…

  8. And the people who pushed him into that position strictly for political agenda purposes, what will happen to them?

    Will they even be made known?

  9. It’s a very private vote, so: show of hands, “How many think one of The Party’s street soldiers would have been ‘accused’ of more than ‘a matter’ had he killed an unarmed American? Rather than a fifth-eye ally of The Party? Who also calls Americans the enemy?”

  10. DC hired felons into its Police force a couple of decades ago – no consequences.
    Obola put felons, perverts, and moslem madmen (and madwomen) into our Armed Forces – no consequences.
    The “Monkey See; Monkey Do” states followed suit – no consequences.
    The woman who “put 800 unqualified negroes” into the CWA through Verizon ran for Mayor of DC – don’t remember if she won – but she should have been executed for social engineering and abusing her position in Verizon.

    Part of the reason we’re sinking into an abysmal shit-hole of corruption and nihilistic socialism is because we tolerate – EVERY-fukkin-THING!

    Sooner or later – well, y’know …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. How can a ‘deliberate murder’ not be considered First Degree Murder with the attendant death penalty? Time for another trial by the federal authorities regarding her loss of civil rights and then tack on another 20 years!

  12. Tell me again why we need to import Muslim turds from third world shit hole Somalia? What in the holy hell is wrong with the idiots in this country and especially in Minnesota? Oh, wait “Idiot’s” O.K., nuff said!

  13. Let’s play “Would you rather”

    Would you rather:
    1. Spend 20+ years in jail in an American prison, or;
    2. Be deported to Somalia with no jail time, never to return.

    I would choose 1. In this case, however, I would be fine if they chose #2 for Noor.

  14. …playing the minority hire game is always fraught, we had a first ring, historically Black suburb of Cinncinnati (…it’s a “Heights”, so you know what you’ve got right there” that lost its entire police force because no one would insure a department with so many felons in it, even if they ARE Black…

    …here’s the sanitized version, it’s tough to find an HONEST one, because, Black..


  15. Now that Noor has been convicted, he needs to be kept isolated in solitary confinement so that he doesn’t further spread the muzzie viruz among the prison population.

  16. …it’s also not possible for ANY White man to get serious consideration to be a Police Chief in Cincinnati. They want one who can relate to “the community”, and they once hired one out of Detroit who not only was not only was not LEGALLY a Police OFFICER in Ohio, but REFUSED to even TAKE the exam for it because, Black…Cinncinnati KNEW it, but didn’t care, because, Black…


  17. “his shackled wrists brushed against the back of his dark-colored suit.” Gimmeafookenbreak! His dark-colored ass should have beaten to a pulp by his partner!!!

  18. Bad journalism and poorly communicated. Other than a little blurb at the END of the article the writer should have provided a background on the original circumstance up front to provide a context.

    In the county in which I live people lack communication skills. It obviously is not taught in the local schools and I assume this is true in most of the country. Many of the articles I read could have been written by someone in high school fifty years ago. Then there’s the other extreme – – articles that are written with academic language in which you have to look up the meaning. They are written to impress, not to communicate. Conservative intellectuals are often guilty of this.

  19. I do have a question. He killed one person, and he should have been convicted and sent to prison (at least). But having killed ONE person, how is he convicted of murder AND manslaughter? Murder is not manslaughter and manslaughter is not murder.


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