Minnesota Girl bitten 25 times in lake – IOTW Report

Minnesota Girl bitten 25 times in lake

What a lovely smile.

The Globe:

‘She could feel her foot in its mouth’: Minn. girl bitten 25 times in lake, possibly by muskie.

DULUTH, Minn.—Ryan Kesselhon couldn’t figure out what was happening to his 11-year-old daughter, Maren. One minute, Maren had been peacefully dangling from her family’s paddleboard in Island Lake on Wednesday afternoon. The next second she was screaming wildly.

“I couldn’t figure out what she was screaming about,” Ryan Kesselhon said. “Then she lifted her foot out of the water, and I could see it was filleted open in many places.”

Closer examination revealed she had been cut in 25 places, mostly on her upper ankle and on top of her foot, Kesselhon said.

MORE  [There’s a photo of her messed up foot at the end of the article]

h/t Sheila.

24 Comments on Minnesota Girl bitten 25 times in lake

  1. I lived on a lake in NW Wisconsin. We had muskies. They had to be at least 30″ long to keep them legally. One summer day, the lake was as clam as a sheet of glass. Two mallard ducks were swimming near by and suddenly a muskie came out of the water and grabbed one of the ducks. It truly scared me. My friend and I rowed over and picked up a few feathers

  2. This is why I am not comfortable lounging in water I can’t see through.

    Texas lakes have about 3″ visibility (don’t check me on this, I just pulled it out of my **s) and they have things in there that can hurt and maybe kill you. I will swim, fish, sail, ski – but never dangle my feet in the water – at any depth.

    I’m thinking she’s adopting a similar point of view.

  3. Get your nipples in the water and call up some nipple fish. Little fuckers like 3 inches max come up and peck nipples and clean your feet. Those are better, I like that kind. The kind that break skin, not so much, unless it’s a catfish caught on a hand because that means dinner.

  4. I haven’t rested easy on a river since watching the first episode of “River Monsters” man who knows what danger lurks in yon body of water?

    We used to catch a lot of muskies in the Susquehanna River when I was a kid. Ugly suckers.

  5. Looks more like damage from the ‘Minnesota Fugly Somalian’, a stink fish that’s begun increasing its population in the state recently. They’re real KILLERS!!!

  6. When we were kids we used to fish from a row boat on a small lake in Connecticut. One time, I casted my lure out and it felt like I had hooked a whale. As I struggled to reel in what I assumed was a prize winning bass, I was shocked to see the head of a giant snapping turtle pop out of the water on the end of my line. Never cut a fishing line so fast in my entire life. Got a bit freaked out because we swam in that lake all the time.

  7. I once saw a guy attempt to take a hook out of a large muskie’s mouth with his hand. He won’t make that mistake ever again.

    There was a pair of ducks that nested near a lake home we were staying at. The lake was full of muskies. They started out with 11 ducklings and probably had 5 left when we left. I assume they were fish food.

  8. About a decade ago some fella dangling his feet off a boat was bit by a muskie. He recoiled and actually landed the 32″ fish on the boat and kept it. His story hit a local radio show and the DNR showed up and ticked him for keeping a muskie less than 36″ and with out a rod and line. They confiscated the fish but public outcry eventually had the tickets dropped and they gave him back the fish.

    FWIW – My personal best was a 48″ I’ve seen a lot of them over the years, but a 50″ + still eludes me.

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