Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to ‘Dismantle the Police Department’ Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault  – IOTW Report

Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to ‘Dismantle the Police Department’ Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault 

GP: Shivanthi Sathanandan, a vice chair of the Minnesota DFL Party and a vocal advocate for defunding the police, has found herself on the receiving end of the crime she once believed could be solved through social programs.

Sathanandan, who is of Indian and Sri Lankan descent, was violently carjacked and assaulted in her own driveway in broad daylight, as her young children looked on in horror. Sathanandan, who is now calling for tougher penalties for juvenile offenders, thanked the police officers who responded to her emergency.

In a detailed Facebook post that included a graphic image of her face after the incident, Sathanandan wrote, “You could have been reading the obituary for me and my children today. But instead, I’m here. To write this. Look at my face. These criminals will not win. We need to take back our city. And this will not be the last you hear from me about this.”

The deeply unsettling event occurred at the Minneapolis home of Sathanandan and involved four young men, all armed. Sathanandan suffered a broken leg, lacerations on her head, and extensive bruising. Her children and neighbors were threatened at gunpoint during the incident. MORE

46 Comments on Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to ‘Dismantle the Police Department’ Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault 

  1. I do feel very sorry for the kids. Their mother? Can’t say that I do.

    I might change my mind if it happens again, but this time she’s packing and blows large and leaky holes in the bad boys.

  2. Every once in a while (too rarely for my choice) life gives us these little tidbits of joy where the scales of justice get rebalanced. Think, what a better world we would have if every prog dumbass like this woman got a taste of criminality and was personally affected?

    “thanked the police officers who responded to her emergency.”

    I’m surprised they showed up at all, no doubt taking the scenic route by way of Bloomington then St. Paul.

  3. “I don’t think that looks like real blood on her face.”

    Especially around her neck…looks like juice. Plus, doesn’t look like any of it got on her collar. I’m probably wrong, oh well.

  4. Where’s the fucking broken leg?….Head lacerations? please…..How do you pose with a picture of your head “lacerations” with a broken leg…..I had a severe leg injury and I might have chosen to bleed out with head “lacerations” rather then the pain as they put my leg back together…..

  5. joe6pak AT 8:49 PM

    Excellent observation. Thread winner. They can’t even be honest when they show they’re wrong.

    By the way if you remove the “n “and the “e” in Schande you have my last name which explains a lot. Sometimes not just a Shame, but broken or used up. That’s me to a T…

  6. “I don’t think that looks like real blood on her face”

    It’s the consistency. I’ve seen a couple head wounds. Actually had one or two. Coagulation happens fast. I’m calling bull shit on the Cheshire Cat.

  7. Yeah. “Blood” dripping down her face but her makeup is miraculously undisturbed, right down to the cyanosis purple lipstick and the janky eyebrows that look like they were drawn on with a Sharpie.

  8. Shivanthi Sathanandan is a young Asian American leader of Indian and Sri Lankan descent who recently made history as the first Woman of Color and first South Asian woman to be elected as Second Vice Chair of Minnesota’s Democratic Farmer-Labor Party (DFL).”

    Bull shit. She’s Indian. We have a shit load of Indian families moving in amongst us. On one hand, they are awesome family units. Respectful kids. Studious kids. Very friendly people. But here’s what I’ve discovered. They’ve never been exposed or had any true freedom, They have no idea. They absolutely hate guns. They freak at the site of one. Got one living behind me. We share a fence line. Nice family, cute little daughter. Constantly planting shit and holding drunk parties with his fellow country men. They are BIG on Vodka. Make me look like a tea toddler. So over Xmas last year had all the family members over. Even my tribe members. So we set up some cans on my 2 freaken acres for some of the youngsters to shoot with pellet guns. Next thing you know this guys peering over my fence line. I’m not the shy type, so I ask him, dude, what the fuck.
    “I’m calling the sheriffs department. It’s illegal to own or shoot guns with in the city limits.” Really?. SoI invited him and his over to shoot the 650 fps pellet gun. “Owe noes, I’m calling the sheriff, this is too dangerous”. (wish I could figure out how to type the accent) So I offer my phone to him, here’s the sheriffs direct line, were best friends. He’s a cool guy and will be more than willing to talk with you. (Stomps Off)
    Dude disappears for two weeks. So ext time we see the guy he’s in a fooking body cast. I shit you not. I’m like, BRO?. Oh My Gawd, I might have run a red light. My wife’s like I coming over. His wife was standing there too, and their little girl. Wife gets massive hugs as she enter back yard. We’ve shared a couple neighbor hood cook outs with them, and the rest of our, very conservative neighbors. Bottom line, they’re good people. Their children may get IT. They never will.

  9. The Indian civilians might be OK, but the Indian politicians need to be shipped to the shit hole they came from. Seattle is ate up with the socialist bastards! Kshama Sawant and Prymala Jayapal are just two examples.

  10. ” Transgender? Black? White? Hispanic?”

    Like many here,I carry a gun daily. If I pass a couple young black dread locked youths playing with their skate boards as I’m on my way into Home Depot, I’m mentally reviewing clearing the garment, chest level, chest press, press trigger. Until nothing moves and my wife and I are safe. Does that make me a racist, or a reluctant victim?

  11. No perps named or described. Her word only on what went down,kids screaming, hair looks good not messed up after a fight,blood not smeared. If my leg was broken and I had the crap beat out of me I would be screaming out in pain.
    Any bets on her man beating her up and she is covering it up.
    Maybe maybe not. Lets see what the follow up story is.
    Looked up the local news on this it is all vague.

  12. John Hinderaker nailed this with an old quote: “A neocon is a liberal who’s been mugged”.
    It’s fun to watch a crazy liberal get dealt a strong dose of reality.

  13. usually the lib-fks hire private security for themselves, while reducing polees funding – like the dicksuckers in austin tx & their soros-dicksucker da garza/garbage

  14. ooh – take a look at this world atlas – see this tiny island, that’s where the people who care live.

    Wah wah – did she call the police? Why didn’t she call in a social worker?


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