Minnesota: Mayor Heidmann Arrested for Obstructing Legal Process – IOTW Report

Minnesota: Mayor Heidmann Arrested for Obstructing Legal Process

Another week, another elected official being arrested. And another elected official thinking they get to tell the police what to do. And it’s all on video.

29 Comments on Minnesota: Mayor Heidmann Arrested for Obstructing Legal Process

  1. Ferd Berfle
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 10:17 AM
    “I haven’t met many politicians personally but those I have, with 1 exception, have been self important DICKS.”

    …not necessarily, if you do it right. My father, God rest his soul, got a City Council seat in our small city out of a genuine desire to change some things he felt Fisher Price City was doing wrong. He did a couple of terms, even got appointed Vice Mayor once (it wasn’t an elected position), never quit his day job or otherwise let it go to his head, nor did he use it to springboard to higher offices. He lost that job because he was neither progressive nor Black enough as the city changed and got bigger, but didn’t whine or demand recounts, he just shrugged and went back to work the next day like he had been doing all along.

    He did it mainly because we lived on the furthest end of town, and he felt the area was under represented. I did notice that they were better about plowing our streets the winter he got elected, but he wasn’t the kind of guy to kneecap union bosses, (which we didn’t have anyway), so I’m pretty sure he just talked them into it, like he went there to do.

    He did some civil weddings as Vice Mayor too, but no gay ones or you would have heard about it long before today. He would have refused anyway, as he was a devout Catholic and Knight of Columbus, BOTH things liberals hate today, and remained true to his faith no matter what. He walked in the light as he saw the light, and that didn’t change when he got a temporary political job.

    Now here’s the kicker.

    He was also a Democrat.

    Yes, a modernly hated and feared donkey, but he was also of a generation that came of age just after WWII, and FDR loomed large in that generation’s psyches because of their parents talking about the Depression and, obviously, WWII. Because I grew up with him I could see something of the politics of that era, and a Democrat then would be a Republican now, they’ve changed so much. He was all about improving city services and economic development, things Democrats wouldn’t know if they bit them today, so about the only shared thread was that Government somehow had to “help the poor”, which they didn’t know where that would lead then.

    And he flew MATS missions into Korea before I knew him, so he was VERY military and police friendly, too, ALSO things you’d not find in the modern Democrat, and he was the devout husband of one woman until he died, which are OTHER things not popular with Democrats today.

    Sadly, he didn’t live to see what Clinton became, it would have been interesting to see if it would have changed him, but that generation ALSO tends to suffer from a stubborn loyalty to the past party, even when the present one moved away from it, so I just will never know.

    There’s a lot more I can say, like about when he got ME to hand out DEMOCRAT campaign literature, but it’s too long already and the thread isn’t his biography, and I do apologize for wandering but I love the man so I may run on a bit more than I should. He wasn’t no more than a regular man, but that’s kind of my point.

    Which is that the job doesn’t make the man anything he isn’t already disposed to be, if the JOB isn’t something it’s not supposed to be.

    Good men CAN serve in Government.

    It happens.

    Just not too often.

    Because of what Government has BECOME.

    He was a local yokel, which wasn’t a big money thing at the time, so he wasn’t competing against Soros billionaires or national Party funding from either side. It just wasn’t that important.

    So the thing is, shitheads follow money and power. When both get bigger, the candidates get exponentially worse.

    Which is why the Founders wanted politics to be a PART TIME job, with SEVERE limits.

    As it was with my father.

    The current system discourages people with REAL jobs, and that’s the problem.

    And it won’t get better without term limits…and MONEY limits.

    The job of mayor isn’t malum in se, evil of itself.

    The money and power is what makes it so.

    If a politican has to live with what he makes, he’s gonna HAVE to be more attentive to what he makes when he’s not in power any more.

    And that’s the disconnect.

    Too much money.

    Too much power.

    For too long.

    Take away all three, and it becomes a job only the civic-minded would do.

    As it was SUPPOSED to be…

  2. Good thing he wasn’t BLACK!

    They’da killed his black ass! Kind of a shame, really … specially since cops actually kill more unarmed whities! They had their chance! Course, if he was negro he wouldn’t have been arrested – the Rodney King Effect.

    White privilege, much?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @ Supernightshade SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 11:53 AM

    Today’s main stream Democrat fully supports rioting and looting. They have become so bold that their elected leaders have gone on record articulating the Party’s position in that regard. They were obviously blindsided when that message did not resonate beyond the Democrat base and have been trying to either walk back what they said or pivot and try and sell the illusion that they were against it all along.

  4. JDHasty
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 12:21 PM
    @ Supernightshade SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 11:53 AM

    “Today’s main stream Democrat fully supports rioting and looting. ”

    …agreed, I know what they are, just saying that back in the day, they did not present that way.

    I don’t think even JFK could be a modern Democrat, and I’m not a fan of HIS, either, so that’s really saying something…

  5. @Diane – Fred ” Nice Cans” Heidmann!

    So Epileptic seizures are exempt…
    Every so-called “Protester” should be locked up for disorderly conduct as well.
    I guess they’re just chalking it up to Liberal Tourettes Syndrome or some such Bull-Hockey!

  6. @ Ferd Berfle I have meet quite a few (mostly working security at RNC in Tampa )

    and agree with you Scott walker being one of the worst. Jan Brewer (Arizona gov at the time) on the other hand was an absolute sweet heat. most of the rest were somewhere between snobbish an argent at best. and that was mostly RREPUBLICANs Dems are far worse.

  7. In the old days, before anyone had a camera, the cops could have had a couple OFF duty guys pound the living shit out of him while they were still in the precinct just signing out the end of shift.

    Oh well.

  8. gin blossom September 5, 2020 at 10:39 am

    The cops should have wrestled him to the ground and pushed his face into the dirt until he shut his mouth.

    Maybe shove his face into his dog’s poop. The dog got out of the leash to get away from the *ucker.

    How many times has that line “do you know who I am” has been used to exert authority over others? “No, I have no idea who you are, but you’re about to get your ass arrested.”

  9. I don’t know how often these kinds of things happen, but- next time tell the dog ‘GO HOME.’ The dog will then take the walker/d home. Usually works with one or two tries, not like the dozen or so this guy ignored.
    Heck, the dog even tried to “stand back” and got out of the officer’s way.
    Good doggie


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