Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and drug cartels for violent riot – IOTW Report

Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and drug cartels for violent riot

FOX: President Trump on Saturday blamed at-times violent protests that took place across the U.S. a day earlier on Antifa and other left-wing groups — as Minnesota officials claimed that white supremacists and even drug cartels were involved in stoking violence.

“It’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!” Trump tweeted Saturday, referring to far-left violent groups who often describe themselves as “anti-fascist.”

On Friday night, protests and riots broke out across the country in response to the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd‘s death while in police custody earlier this week. Video emerged of a police officer pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck, what protesters have called another incidence of police brutality against black men.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced Saturday he has authorized “full mobilization” of the state’s National Guard — something that has never been done in the 164-year history of the Minnesota National Guard — in response to the protests that have turned increasingly violent.

Later, speaking to reporters before flying to Florida, Trump said a “lot of radical left, bad people” were to blame for the violence in Minneapolis and elsewhere and said “they have to be tougher” fighting back against the rioters.

“We can have our military there very quickly,” he said. “They’ve got to be tough, they’ve got to be strong, they’ve got to be respected, because these people, these Antifa — it’s a lot of radical left, bad people — and they’ve got to be taught that you can’t do this.” read more

22 Comments on Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and drug cartels for violent riot

  1. Back in the 60’s there was a saying; “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged”. The left knows they are losing voters who are affected by this violence. Maybe even a few boiled-baby democrats. So they must tell this ridiculous lie to try to stem the bleeding.

  2. “…He also tweeted that “80% of the RIOTERS in Minneapolis last night were from OUT OF STATE.”

    “They are harming businesses (especially African American small businesses), homes, and the community of good, hardworking Minneapolis residents who want peace, equality, and to provide for their families,” he said…?

    Liberals will eat their own if it helps them attain, maintain and increase their power. They will stop at nothing.

  3. “…He also tweeted that “80% of the RIOTERS in Minneapolis last night were from OUT OF STATE.”

    Addresses given on rioters arrest records show otherwise.

  4. Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and drug cartels

    Cuz, if you can organize anything effective, you ain’t black.
    You ain’t even brown.
    Right Uncle Joe?

  5. Did you notice, that every mayor of a city where riots are taking place, are saying the rioters are “outsiders”, as if there are no thugs and criminals in THEIR city. What a load of crap.

  6. According to the ACLU, there are only between 9000 and 15000 ‘white supremacists’ in the US. Trump sure does seem to want those votes, or so the dems would have you believe.

  7. I believe the ACTUAL Nazis called it “Kristallnacht”; night of broken glass. Where Jewish and other businesses were looted & destroyed, then blame placed on the victims.
    Sound familiar?
    You can rely on totalitarianism, it never changes.


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