Minnesota Parents Rally to ‘Protect Kids’ Against State-Mandated Planned Parenthood Sex Ed – IOTW Report

Minnesota Parents Rally to ‘Protect Kids’ Against State-Mandated Planned Parenthood Sex Ed


Minnesota parents and families, who oppose state-mandated comprehensive sex ed (CSE) pushed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT activist groups, are planning to rally to protect their children.

Child Protection League (CPL) Action will hold its “Protect Kids Rally” on Sunday, September 22 on the steps of the state capitol in St. Paul. read more

10 Comments on Minnesota Parents Rally to ‘Protect Kids’ Against State-Mandated Planned Parenthood Sex Ed

  1. …worth a try, but it’s Minnesota, home of Al Franken’s patented Magic Car Trunk, so good luck with that…

    …but the policy DOES have an asterisk on it, I’m sure…

    *Muslims excepted

  2. ^^

    …not my thing. I like to actually be USEFUL, I can’t talk worth a damn (which is why I write so much), I get quieter the madder I get, I’m terrible at acting like I like people that I hate, I’m ugly as a mud fence, and I’m abysmally bad at lying.

    …and that’s BEFORE getting into modern disqualifications like race, sex, and religion…

    …in other words, no Kennedy qualifications here, but thanks for asking…

  3. Claudia SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 AT 1:50 PM
    “I’d vote for you, SNS!!!”

    …and I for you, @Claudia…so, there we’d be, two candidates with one vote each while the Democrats run roughshod over the rest of them, and probably get our one vote disqualified by an Obama judge to boot…

    …that’s where I end up in jail, because after his ruling, the judge wants to know why I look so furious and my mouth is moving, but he can’t hear me because I lose volume when I’m mad, and he’d have the court reporter read my lips and then jail me until the end of time for contempt because she wrote my true and honest opinions of him and his ruling; and since truth and honesty are anathema to Democrats, off to the hoosegow I’d go, leaving the field wide open to further Democrat depredations…


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