Minnesota Sued Over Mail-In Ballot Ruling – IOTW Report

Minnesota Sued Over Mail-In Ballot Ruling

WFB: State says it will accept ballots for 8 days after election, even without postmark.

Republicans are challenging a move by Minnesota election officials to allow ballots to be counted past Election Day even if they are not postmarked.

State representative Eric Lucero (R.) and Republican elector James Carson filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging secretary of state Steve Simon’s consent decree that allows mail-in ballots to be counted as late as eight days after Election Day with or without a postmark. The lawsuit argues the decree violates the U.S. Constitution by moving the ballot deadline without the authority of the state legislature and violates federal law by permitting “ballots with no post mark and no evidence of having been cast on November 3” to be counted.

“This means that persons in Minnesota may vote for days after Election Day and have their votes counted,” the lawsuit states. It also warns that the decree will likely lead to disputed results, disenfranchised voters, and may even cause the results of the vote in Minnesota to be rejected entirely. more here

10 Comments on Minnesota Sued Over Mail-In Ballot Ruling

  1. Used to be if you didn’t get to the polling place before it closed on election DAY you were shyte out of luck.

    Voting is a simple process – one person one vote. You should have to prove who you are and then vote in person unless illness, military or civil service or a legitimate work schedule prevented you from doing so. The mails are open 24 hours, 7 days a week prior to the election — no EXCUSES, so we’re all fu&^^d.

  2. Voting by mail is never as secure as voting in person at the polling place, where voters are required to identify themselves and provide their signature to representatives of the political parties with candidates running for office. The Dementiacrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Open Borders-Free Stuffers-Gimme Dat Party wouldn’t be trying to “fix” it if they didn’t plan on abusing it. Mail-in voting is not a good substitute for exercising good citizenship.

  3. I never quite understood the rationale that the left (and it seems to be exclusively the left) uses to justify the weakening of rules surrounding voting that are there to ensure fairness and honesty in the results. How could anyone agree with them when voting has been made easy and available to anyone that could reasonably prove the have the right to cast a vote. Now I understand that it’s an ongoing effort to gain/steal and keep power but “moderate” Democrats or even liberals must see that in the long run they too will suffer under a regime led by those that crippled the system as well as democracy and the Republic.

    Up here we don’t have any of this nonsense. You have to provide acceptable ID (two pieces) to prove who you are (even if you are on he voting list and have the registration confirmation card mailed to you a month before) before voting. If you don’t have the required ID a person who does may vouch for you (they can only do this once for one person) but they will be noted for followup if it’s deemed necessary and no votes after the close of the polls with the exception of some instances of ballots from voters living or working out of Canada (not a lot of those come in late). Probably some other rules as well but these seem to work quite well. When someone like Justin Trudeau is elected fraud is not the cause but rather stupidity.

  4. OMG!!! Minnesota has 46 days of EARLY in person voting. Why do they even need mail in ballots? Absentee, yes… which still seems ridiculous considering 46 days of EARLY in person voting. This is crazy. What lifeforms are they trying to accommodate with these mail in ballots? Certainly NOT the good people of MN.

  5. If you think people do not have adequate time to vote and get the ballots back to the election office. You can do one thing to guarantee that voters have an adequate time to vote GIVE THEM THE BALLOT 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE ELECTION and REQUIRE the voter to drop off the ballot at the elections office NO LATER THAN ELECTION DAY. Problem solved.

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