Minnesota Trucking Company CEO Warns About What Vaccine Mandate Will Do to Economy – IOTW Report

Minnesota Trucking Company CEO Warns About What Vaccine Mandate Will Do to Economy


Here’s a solid reference point for just one of the multitude of aspects related to the mandatory COVID vaccine and overall COVID mitigation rules that will come together to present an unavoidable outcome within the supply chain.

As CEO Eric Lawrence notes, even without the vaccine mandate, the testing mandate itself becomes an issue.  How and where exactly are truckers supposed to get these weekly, and depending on state, perhaps daily, Covid-19 tests.   How are they expected to modify their cross country routes, to avoid running afoul of the law, without having any idea where this testing is supposed to take place? more

8 Comments on Minnesota Trucking Company CEO Warns About What Vaccine Mandate Will Do to Economy

  1. More than anything else, if SCOTUS somehow rules in favor of any mandates it sets a precedent for government intervention in our lives. In fact nothing else matters if our liberty is lost.
    I could see a 6-3 vote that would be a tremendous boon to USA, as the mandates are struck down and Americans see just how far a certain three justices, nominated by Clinton and 0bama, are willing to go to ignore our rights detailed in the Constitution.

  2. Why can’t the idiots they want to enslave see that mandates have NOTHING to do with health.

    Mandates serve only to increase money to the grifters. It’s all about money, people. You may not pay, but the pockets are lined all the way from the tip of the needle to t big pharma and the horrid faucci and his grifting cohorts.

  3. Thankfully we have a garden every year and put up veggies for winter and what I don’t have several of our grocery stores around here buy a lot of local stuff and we have many nurseries that have a lot of hot houses.

    So the only food that will cause issues is citrus.

    Meat we only buy locally anyway.

    So food isn’t my fear, medicine for my husband is. They only allow it at one month supplies.
    Just learned my local bank is going to start stupid shit of allowing jabbed to go unmasked and untested, but unjabbed must mask up and get tested weekly. I’ve contacted them and told them if they go through with it, I’m moving my money out.

  4. ORWW,

    They have to allow a couple days slop for dropped pills, etc… You keep the previous months bottle and drop two tabs in it the first month. Then when you refill next time, you use those two pills, and drop four from the new bottle in the old bottle… Then six, etc… Each month you gain a two. But you have to stick with the use the “old” pills or they’ll go bad / expire on you. But if you do this consistently every month, you can build up several weeks of extra supply in less than a year. You can optimize how many you save each month based on when they allow the refill to go thru.


  5. @ Kali Refugee in Texas JANUARY 8, 2022 AT 6:45 PM

    Is that why I now have a full bottle of pills, at least, when I get my text from the pharmacy that I have a script ready?

    Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind. I knew I hadn’t forgotten to take my pill that many times!

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