Misdemeanor Felonies, Emotionally Damaged Judges, and Political Prisoners – IOTW Report

Misdemeanor Felonies, Emotionally Damaged Judges, and Political Prisoners

Vince Coglianese spoke with Julie Kelly, senior contributor at American Greatness. 
Julie kelly explains what she saw during Paul Hodgkins’ trial, who was sentenced to 8 months for
being inside the Capitol during the January 6th “insurrection”.

The unConstitutional behavior of the FBI and judges show that those arrested have been taken as political prisoners. Just wait til it happens to you, Lefties. Because Current Government will not stop with the Right and Center. They’ll come for you, too. They always do.

h/t PHenry.

7 Comments on Misdemeanor Felonies, Emotionally Damaged Judges, and Political Prisoners

  1. Listen to what Douchbag Cernovich tweeted, and Scott Adams retweeted:

    @Trump’s supporters are being held without bail, he could have mass pardoned every non-violent offender and didn’t, because he wanted to avoid being convicted and removed.”

    This is the kind of turncoat, opportunistic assholery we are up against. I’m beginning to dislike these two influencer grifters more than Erick Erickson.

  2. It’s hard to second guess a personal decision made between a defendant and his lawyer but I think he made two mistakes, both in his plea and in his choice of lawyers. The charge which he plead guilty to was essentially obstruction, that his actions obstructed the legal process of the Congress confirming/ratifying Biden as the new president. But this is super week. The process was halted way before he set foot inside the Capitol, they all ran tail and hid while the crowd was still outside.

    They didn’t get him for trespassing because evidence exists that the capitol police let them in.

    The penalty for following the crowd in and taking a selfie is 8 months, a ridiculous sentence and one that bodes very ill for the rest of the defendants that are still to be adjudicated.

    I sometimes wonder what I would have done if present at the capitol when this whole thing went down. The second things turned ugly outside, tussles with the cops, throwing things at the cops, storming barricades, even verbal altercations with anyone in authority, I would have been out of there. Yes, things can escalate from “A peaceful demonstration” to something much uglier in a hurry but the fighting, the vandalism, all the riot like behavior that happened that day, by seemingly good people that just got caught up, shameful.

  3. “Misdemeanor Felonies”

    ?? I always thought it was either/or. Misdemeanors can be elevated to felonies, but never heard of this Frankenstein before.

    I’ve also never seen political prisoners in America before until lately with Dems in charge.

    Occasionally I check my stock investments to see what they’re worth. They are WAY up right now, but I can see they are going to be worth a hell of a lot more in the near future and only go up.

    I’m invested in brass, lead, gunpowder, primers, and certain configurations of steel tubes with operation gadgets attached to them.

  4. Rich Taylor; “The second things turned ugly outside, tussles with the cops, throwing things at the cops, storming barricades, even verbal altercations with anyone in authority, I would have been out of there. ” Good to know.

  5. @Thirdtwin July 24, 2021 at 9:16 pm

    > Listen to what Douchbag Cernovich tweeted, and Scott Adams retweeted:
    > @Trump’s supporters are being held without bail, he could have mass pardoned every non-violent offender and didn’t, because he wanted to avoid being convicted and removed.”
    > This is the kind of turncoat, opportunistic assholery we are up against. I’m beginning to dislike these two influencer grifters more than Erick Erickson.

    Is the problem you have that Trump didn’t pardon them? Or that they’re lying about Americans being pardonable by Trump? As they’re not billionaires, members of his family, or billionaire members of his family.

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