‘Misguided Murderers Have Perverted Perception of Islam’ – IOTW Report

‘Misguided Murderers Have Perverted Perception of Islam’

BigGovernment: America’s most famous Muslim issued a statement responding to presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal for a moratorium on followers of Islam immigrating to the United States.

muhammad ali blackwhite photo

But Muhammad Ali’s statement focuses on Muslims alienating others from their faith rather than the candidate so critical of the actions of his co-religionists. In fact, the Parkinson’s-afflicted pugilist fails to mention Trump at all in the increasingly-rare public declaration.

Ali explained in a statement:

I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.  read more

19 Comments on ‘Misguided Murderers Have Perverted Perception of Islam’

  1. ..”nothing islamic about killing innocent people..”

    except that all the terrorist murders around the world are by muslims

    one of those many many many murderers was released from gitmo in 2012, now back at it in yemen

    he will now kill again

    next time, kill the sob for god’s sake


  2. The Koran does teach that killing innocents is wrong.
    However, it also teaches that only faithful Muslims are innocent. Non Muslims are, by definition, not innocent. They are to be indiscriminately slaughtered.
    So what he said is 100% correct.

  3. Their holy book also requires they lie to protect the religion, and that lying to infidels is not only acceptable, but desirable.

    Believe nothing they say without verifying it yourself.

  4. It’s not me you gotta convince Ali, I’m not planning on killing all the non Catholics in my neighborhood, it’s the millions of jihadists that have somehow gotten into their heads that Mohammad wanted Dar al-Islam.

    That’s MILLIONS.

    Oh and BTW, Islam isn’t a religion. And because you pray to some rock ain’t gonna change anything.

  5. I doubt very seriously that Mr. Clay can actually put 3 words together, let alone communicate a coherent sentence……someone else put this together……at this sad point, he’s just a clueless puppet

  6. Sonny Liston lived and trained in Denver for a long while…..I sold wholesale liquor there in the early 80’s….one bar in the worst part of Denver was called “Hank’s Bar”….i would have to go pick up cash from Hank about once a month for a bounced check or not paying his bill….the building was probably built in the 1890’s and I’d have to walk down the rickety stairs into a dungeon, with a door cracked half open and a mirror on it so Hank could see what was coming… He was always surprised that a young, skinny white boy would enter his world…we had GREAT conversations and mostly about his brother, LeRoy Jones who would fight Larry Holmes for the world heavy weight boxing championship,….but Sonny Liston came up a lot….I wish I’d recorded it…

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