Missing Inaction – IOTW Report

Missing Inaction

Where’s Fauci? Haven’t seen his mug on TV or any articles about him lately.

21 Comments on Missing Inaction

  1. Gotta suck to be Fauci right now. The normies want him to answer for the damage he’s done, and the crazies will frag his ass to keep him from talking as soon as his usefulness expires. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place…

  2. He’s doing what politician’s and celebrities do when they step on their dicks. He’s laying low and staying out of the public eye.

    He’s probably got the shredders running at full speed, the servers are being wiped (not with a cloth) and money is changing hands in hopes of keeping people quiet.

    But I think it would be a mistake to think that this psychopath is not still calling the shots. He’s a darling of the left and the ruling political class.


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