Missouri case that toppled GOP Gov. Eric Greitens boomerangs on Soros-backed prosecutor – IOTW Report

Missouri case that toppled GOP Gov. Eric Greitens boomerangs on Soros-backed prosecutor

St. Louis circuit attorney faces grand jury probe, chief investigator indicted in echoes of Trump-Russia collusion reversal in Washington.

Just The News- Kimberly Gardner made history in 2016, roaring to an election victory as St. Louis city’s first African-American chief prosecutor on a campaign funded heavily by the liberal mega-donor George Soros. Four years later, she finds herself under investigation and her chief investigator already indicted for a prosecution gone bad, one that forced Missouri’s Republican governor to resign in what some now believe may have been a political attack.

Gardner, a Democrat and the city’s circuit attorney, was forced in 2018 to withdraw her indictment accusing Gov. Eric Greitens of felony invasion of privacy for allegedly taking a picture of his scantily clad girlfriend and threatening to release it if she talked about their affair. Gardner’s office dropped the charge after admitting she did not have proof of the photo or its transmission.

Investigators now allege the Greitens prosecution, which forced the governor to resign less than two years into his tenure, was built on lies that included perjury and hiding exculpatory evidence that would have helped demonstrate Greitens’ innocence, court documents show. read more

11 Comments on Missouri case that toppled GOP Gov. Eric Greitens boomerangs on Soros-backed prosecutor

  1. It all comes down to fair and equal justice/punishment.
    Dems get wrist slapped while conservatives do hard time
    on trumped up charges. That can’t keep happening or
    something big is going to get very broken.

  2. George Soros and his communist co-horts are building a house of cards based on lies, whose foundation is supported by the corrupt communist “mainstream” media.

    It is the citizen media (thank you Andrew Breitbart), and alternative corporate media, who are toppling the house built on lies. We will overcome!

  3. “… forced Missouri’s Republican governor to resign in what some now believe may have been a political attack.”
    Gee, do ya think? Well the governor resigned, so mission accomplished.

  4. I repeat myself….
    Anyone who takes $$$ from SoreAss
    has the filthy putrid slime of Satan all
    over them and it cannot be washed off but
    one way,the blood of Christ…

  5. The former chief prosecutor and the recently-indicted out-of-state private investigator are both black Democrats. The governor who was forced to resign and the 40-year former prosecutor who the chief prosecutor fired are both white Republicans. The “victim” never filed a complaint but was solicited for her testimony by the chief prosecutor. And I’m not supposed to be prejudiced?

  6. the old two tiered justice system strikes again!

    democrats and commies skate while conservatives and republicans get the book thrown at them!

    when is enough, enough?

  7. Of course there are similarities in this case and the Russia hoax. Both paid for with Soros money and carried out in typical Commie/ Nazi fashion. Show me the man and I’ll find the crime.
    If only the DOJ moved as quickly as Missouri in investigating.


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