Missouri Dem Cori Bush unwilling to call Hamas a terrorist organization – IOTW Report

Missouri Dem Cori Bush unwilling to call Hamas a terrorist organization

‘Squad’ Dem fighting for survival wants to ‘be careful’ about labeling Hamas as terrorists.

BPR: Embattled Democratic Missouri Rep. Cori Bush appeared unwilling to call Hamas a terrorist organization in the days leading up to an expectedly tight primary, The New York Times reported.

Bush is headed into a hotly contested primary on Tuesday as her chances of reelection have significantly dimmed, according to polling. During a trip to Ferguson, Missouri, in recent days, Bush — who has been vocal about her criticisms of Israel and its military activities in Gaza —  said that she didn’t want to call Hamas a terrorist organization, even though it is classified as such by the U.S. government and a majority of the West, according to the NYT.

“We were called terrorists during Ferguson,” Bush reportedly said outside of an early voting location in Ferguson days before the primary, referring to the 2014 murder of Michael Brown by a police officer and the ensuing protests in the city. “Have they hurt people? Absolutely. Has the Israeli military hurt people? Absolutely.”

Bush later repeated her stance while meeting with voters at a diner in Ferguson, noting that she was hesitant to assign the terrorist label to Hamas because she knew little about the issue. more here

14 Comments on Missouri Dem Cori Bush unwilling to call Hamas a terrorist organization

  1. Why haven’t all these (now ‘FREE’) African descendants of slaves not gone back to their homeland where they would no longer suffer any discrimin-ation, abuse or racism?

  2. Couldn’t find a current poll (without trying very hard), but in February she was 22 points behind. Of course if she loses it will be racism – even though the other candidate is of similar skin color.

  3. When Big Tech and the legacy media conspire with government to redefine riots as mostly peaceful protests and engage in government directed censorship, wherein any discussion in which dissent or criticism is muted or squelched, this is a battle of ideas fought in what they were prepping the environment for. What they were setting up is a forum that would permit her views as being reasonable in the feeble minds of a critical mass of individuals who subscribe to the political philosophy of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.“ – John Adams

    Her expressed views absolutely and utterly are inconsistent with what was near universally accepted throughout the western world until moral relativism was pushed down from above and out into society by universities and government schools.

  4. The Moslem is dedicated first to the extirpation of all that is not Moslem. Period, see previous. The Moslem is next dedicated to the extirpation of all moslems whose creed diverges to the slightest degree with his own. Thus we see, the true dedication of all, not many, most, or some, moslems, is death. The death of all, all except the last dealer of death.

    Disgustingly stupid and effective creed. Best destroyed wherever encountered, without pity or remorse, for it will do that same to you, equally without pity or remorse.


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