Missouri Gov. Mike Parson: No Vaccine Police Allowed – IOTW Report

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson: No Vaccine Police Allowed

WJ: Missouri Gov. Mike Parson is not laughing at President Joe Biden’s knock-knock remark.

Biden on Tuesday explained that the federal government is changing its approach to vaccinating Americans against COVID-19.

“We are continuing to wind down the mass vaccination sites that did so much in the spring to rapidly vaccinate those eager to get their first shot — and their second shot, for that matter, if they needed a second,” he said at a news conference, according to a White House transcript.

“Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door to door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden continued, saying this strategy is essential in the name of “equity” and “equality.”

Parson said the vaccine police are not welcome in Missouri. more here

6 Comments on Missouri Gov. Mike Parson: No Vaccine Police Allowed

  1. First, don’t open the door. But, in the event that you find yourself confronted by one of Joe’s canvassers, lie to them. Tell them that yes, you have been vaccinated. If you tell them to fuck-off, they will add your name to “the list”. Best to keep a low profile, and blend-in, in these times.

  2. obozo proposed to insulate our houses by sending felons to do the work. I assume o’Biden will employ the same thinking.

    “No officer, no one’s come to my door, I’ve not seen the federal canvasser you are looking for..”

  3. Parson is aware that some of these “canvassers” will be shot. He’s a lukewarm Governor but with the establishment Blunt leaving and Hawley rising he is trying to stay relevant.

    I’ll take Hartzler or Grietens, anyhow the last 6 months of commie control is turning MO redder than ever and even Parsons is waking up.

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