Missouri restaurant reopens as private club after shutting down over mask mandate – IOTW Report

Missouri restaurant reopens as private club after shutting down over mask mandate

Guests must pay a $1 fee to enter the club and sign in.

WaEx- The owner of a Missouri restaurant that closed after allegedly not complying with county mask requirements said Saturday that the establishment is now a private club.

Amanda Wohletz, the owner, watched Jackson County officials close her restaurant, Rae’s Café, Friday after the county deemed it was an imminent health hazard. But Wohletz said she found a way to keep her kitchen open. It now reportedly has a “no masks allowed” policy. more

9 Comments on Missouri restaurant reopens as private club after shutting down over mask mandate

  1. “Private Club” is how Arkansawyers get around their Sunday Blue laws.
    It’s a natural that Missouri should follow their example.

    Fuck the Bastards! Damn the Torpedoes!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They said it would remain in effect for 30 days to abide my the new Missouri law.

    So in 30 days she can go back to being a restaurant and there isn’t shit they’re going to be able to do in the meantime.

    Last year in Missouri and Kansas I’d go to one county or one city and they’d have mask mandates on store doors, next would have nothing. It was very ignorant, but only one place refused to allow us to enter and it was a restaurant in Kansas, I don’t know if they were in a town or county with the mandate, but I do know in the same county next town got tons of business from racers, crews and fans. Once a year event, biggest event to come to the little town and they turned away thousands of dollars. Stupid is as stupid does.

    Having been an Army Re-enlistment NCO, I found that there was generally a way around everything, if you looked deep enough.
    This young lady looked deep enough.

  4. “…public accommodation shall not include a private club.”

    And there it is, folks.

    If this was an actual pandemic, there would be no exceptions to the mask mandates. But private clubs are exempted? Why? Are they more secure? Are they more clean? Not necessarily. But one thing they have that most public establishments do not is liability waivers signed by their members. Catch COVID in the club? Sorry: you signed the waiver.

    Public establishments don’t have waivers per se, but they can have mask mandates and social distancing guidelines posted on the door. What sort of masks, you may ask? Doesn’t matter. That’s on the patrons. The establishment did its part and covered its corporate ass.

    It’s not about public health: never has been. It’s all about not getting sued.

  5. Could always sell state lottery tickets. That makes it an ‘essential business’.

    Q: When is everybody gonna get tired of playing these nonsense games? That cost us money! Fire the asswipe politicians, dems and useless gopes.


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