Mitch McConnell and Wife Accosted by Pro Illegal Immigration mob – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell and Wife Accosted by Pro Illegal Immigration mob

“Leave my husband alone!”

17 Comments on Mitch McConnell and Wife Accosted by Pro Illegal Immigration mob

  1. Immobilized the turtle? What did they do? Roll him on his back?

    OK. Joke time is over. These obama orchestrated and community organized thugs need to feel some real pain soon. This is unacceptable behavior that will only end after they pay the price with their own blood.

    I’m booked at Trump International Hotel in DC in the near future. I’m a little afraid to bring my wife. As for me, I’ll carry a cane. I don’t need a cane, but a big stick can be useful in a gun free city.

  2. McCONnell has been a large part of the problem for decades. Congress has failed miserably by not legislating a correction to illegal immigration, failure to strengthen the laws and stop the left’s ability to thwart the legal process.
    It was good to see who in that relationship had the balls, I knew it wasn’t mitch.

    mitch was a pajama boy before it was cool.

    Hey mitch, you are a eunuch, maybe your wife will let you borrow hers when you try to lead the senate.

  3. a bunch of 20-somethings picking on a 76 year old man … & getting busted by his wife … lmao

    bravo shitweasels! … your bravery goes noticed

    … participation trophies for all!!!


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