Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial

NC MyNewsCorp:
Democrats are expected to introduce a new impeachment resolution next week, but if they were hoping for a quick approval of the resolution and a Senate trial before Trump leaves office, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell effectively threw cold water on the idea.

According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post, the Senate “will not reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, which means the earliest possible date that impeachment trial proceedings can begin in the Senate is the day before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated.”

The memo says, “Although the Senate will hold two pro forma sessions next week, on Jan. 12 and Jan. 15, it is barred from conducting any kind of business during those days — including ‘beginning to act on received articles of impeachment from the House’— without agreement from all 100 senators. With a cadre of Trump-allied senators in the Republican conference, that unanimous consent is highly unlikely.” more

23 Comments on Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial

  1. Although the Senate will hold two pro forma sessions next week, on Jan. 12 and Jan. 15, it is barred from conducting any kind of business during those days.

    Do they EVER work? Why are they ‘Barred” from conducting business? Granted their business is screwing us and i should be happy they aren’t, but really, what is the sense of a ‘pro-forma session’?

    WE pay them enormous salaries and benefits, the lobbyists bribe them with several times that amount, they become rich beyond comprehension while advocating the destruction of our businesses with this BS lockdown crap.

    Our government hard ‘at work’……. said nobody ever.

  2. Anything the democrats do from now on is DOA for me, they have zero standing for governing me. They can now go urinate on their followers, I’m free of them. I’ve had a great life up until they ran it into the ground, so I’ll make my own way from here on. Stand clear.

  3. There’s not enough time to do it anyway [and not enough senators.]
    This is pelosi trying to hand some cookies to her ‘squad’ because she knows that eventually, they’re going to oust her with a no-confidence vote. pelosi barely covered the votes to win THIS time. She’s toying with the Squad, still. When someone tells them, they’re gonna be mad. lol

  4. Does it occur to anyone else here that our gov’t (top to bottom) is analogous to that feckless teenager who, although he or she disprespects us in every possible way, we continue to pay their car payment, give them gas money, pay their auto insurance, cell phone bill, buy their clothing, and provide an healthy monthly allowance?

    How do you get the kid back in line?

  5. “Bannon was saying the next Senate would impeach but Dershowitz said that they can’t impeach a private citizen. ”

    They would have a hard time removing him from office if he wasn’t in office.

    But watch the push, and a potentially successful one, to charge and convict him of crimes at every level from city governments to the Federal government. The left really hates him, but to be fair they really you they hate and he just gives them someone to focus their hate on.

    I imagine a lot of the Left would like to see his supporters -you- rounded up and reeducated in educational camps specially made to accommodate them and their needs, and that isn’t outside the range of possibilities now that they have the power to do it.

  6. They are acting like a cornered animal, the more strident their behavior the more support they shed. Their foundation of support consists of radicals and to the general public that is becoming more and more clear.
    Only a maniac is going to find this direction acceptable.

  7. MJA — ‘Zactly. Something that doesn’t come up at all when we’re talking about from where Congress derives its power, is where Congress derives OUR money.

    If I hire a workman to fix something or to do a job for me, and he/she doesn’t or decides to stop doing their job while on my payroll, guess what? I don’t pay them.

  8. So they’ll set a “Commission” to prosecute Trump for thought crimes — they want to make sure he and his family do not darken the Presidency or any other elected office again.

    Trump needs to buy or create a media company – and go back to the “apprentice” model only use it to identify and nourish “non-political” candidates for public office in his new “Make America Constitutional AGAIN.”

    Meanwhile the Dems will continue to attempt to make us all obsolete.

  9. The Obsolete Man
    JANUARY 10, 2021 AT 1:10 PM

    “Trump needs to buy or create a media company – and go back to the “apprentice” model only use it to identify and nourish “non-political” candidates for public office in his new “Make America Constitutional AGAIN.””

    …because Omarosa worked out so well…

    …also, Trump endorsed Romney.

    …I lake our President, but when it comes to judging character, he certainly isn’t infallible…

  10. In my mind the turtle is still a big old pos traitor back stabber.Probably wants to make it look like he still wants to earn his check from his Chinese communists handlers they probab ly think it will make him look good.

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