Mitch McConnell finally has his say about Ketanji Brown Jackson – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell finally has his say about Ketanji Brown Jackson

American Thinker-
By Andrea Widburg

On my personal Facebook page, the leftists I know are thrilled by Ketanji Brown Jackson.  They like everything about her: her skin color; her alleged status as a woman (since she’s not a biologist, we can’t be sure); her Ivy League academic credentials; and her stands on race, criminal justice for perverts, and…well, they don’t really know.  After all, they feel that it was incredibly rude to ask her questions about her record.  Her résumé is good — end of story.  But the inscrutable tortoise of the Republican Party, Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, does not like Jackson and has now stated that he will not vote for her.  Perhaps this will be a turning point in Republican politics.

Anony Mee wrote a great overview about why Jackson is such a dreadful candidate for the Supreme Court.  Tucker Carlson also did a bang-up job targeting her mediocrity and at least some of the terrible ideas for which she stands.

But we’ve known for decades now that if you even whisper the word “racist” in a Republican’s presence, he will instantly crumple to the floor in a fetal position and promise fealty to whatever vote the Democrats are demanding.  The mere fact that Jackson is Black seemed to indicate that Republicans would fall in line, having forgotten all of the lessons from the Kavanaugh hearing (and, before that, the Thomas and Bork hearings). more

12 Comments on Mitch McConnell finally has his say about Ketanji Brown Jackson

  1. If KJB is not certain if she’s a woman, then how can she be certain of the less immutable concept of her being black?… What if someone asked her if she was human? Would she need to consult a biologist over that too?

  2. Let me take a stab at the narrative:

    “Republicans nominated and appointed a proven gang rapist drunkard, but refuse to nominate a highly qualified, respected and strong black woman. Once again this proves misogyny and racism from republicans and how they fight against democracy by aligning with Russian propaganda.”

    Seem about right?

  3. I sent Collins an article that outlined her frightful record on pedophilia and child porn.
    Told her the only court Jackson should even get near is traffic court.
    You never know with Collins though.
    She has no children and sometimes the decisions she makes concerning legislation that has to do with children is stupid.

  4. In a perfect world, families would be able to handle their affairs in private, keeping their affairs within the family, we don’t live in that world.

    Divorces are bad enough for the participants, even worse for the kids.

    And why are washed-up has-beens like Karl Rive getting any oxygen at all? Which networks employs this bum?

  5. This is a typical and recognizable pattern by McConnell. He was instrumental in getting Jackson in front of the circus. Now that he knows she will be confirmed he comes out like Mr. Conservative. We’re being played. Again. Still.

  6. @ecp March 26, 2022 at 2:21 pm

    > Republicans nominated and appointed a proven gang rapist drunkard, but refuse to nominate a highly qualified, respected and strong black woman.

    The proper response is too complicated for conservative minds:



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