Mitch McConnell: No Tea Party Wacko Birds in 2016 – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell: No Tea Party Wacko Birds in 2016

“Nominate people who can win”

mitch mcconnell


25 Comments on Mitch McConnell: No Tea Party Wacko Birds in 2016

  1. LOSER! So he wants us to lose again and again etc. forever in perpetuity just so we can be nice to the democraps, what a putz. Get a clue Mitch you’re the problem. We have met the enemy (the establishment GOPEE) and he is not or does not represent us. And another thing turkey shove it!

  2. That was a very creative and inspiring animation!
    GREAT STUFF that might get some wafflers over to our *Dark Side* (we have cookies and whiskey).

    While I greatly admire and respect your consistent support of Cruz (and not going full-rabid on Trump), I’ll stay with Trump.

    To quote Viktor Lazlo (Casablanca): “This time, I know our side will win.”

  3. mcCONell attacks the very same people (conservatives) who helped retain his seat. He has a short memory and a lying heart.

    He and his establishment buddies have betrayed all former republican principles. Betrayal and dishonesty is mitch’s legacy.
    mitch is just another harry reid, as ryan is another boehner/ pelosi.

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