Mitch McConnell on fire! Immediately Moves to Begin Confirming Judges After Acquittal – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell on fire! Immediately Moves to Begin Confirming Judges After Acquittal


It’s a very good day for President Donald Trump.

The morning began with the release of the January jobs report, showing the biggest monthly job growth in nearly five years. Then came the inevitable acquittal on both articles of impeachment. And less than an hour after the acquittal, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasted no time to get to work on confirming a handful of judges.

11 Comments on Mitch McConnell on fire! Immediately Moves to Begin Confirming Judges After Acquittal

  1. Just keeps on keeping on. That’s our President Trump.

    Beset on every side by evil and nasty people, he continues his work for the American people.

    I truly believe God sent this man to save our country, and God holds him in the palm of His hand.

    God helps all who help our President.

  2. The witness gambit was to be literally perpetual. Chasing down and debunking literally an endless supply of lies, can go on as long as you have liars willing to conjure up a rabbit hole of fake eye witnesses and hearsay, you play until the democrats just wear you out and convict just to get it over with like many jurists do.

    As I said, it was also an attempt to delay the Senate appointments

    I can’t believe McConell and Graham are the most rabid Republicans we have in Congress. Thanks for dying John McCain!

  3. The reset of the judiciary is vital before the prosecution of the Marxists traitors begin. You will only have real justice when the traitor supporting cabal of the current liberal judiciary is replaced.

    No point in indictment of the vermin only to see them scamper away through revolving door of liberal justice.

    The storm is coming when the conditions are set.

    It begins in June.

  4. McConnell is a slippery one. Keep in mind everything he does is self promoting and he can just as easily dig a knife in your back.
    I wish he’d keep his underhanded moves out of the primaries and let us choose the candidates instead of forcing one on us that suits his purposes.

  5. @Cisco Kid February 6, 2020 at 4:37 am

    > The reset of the judiciary is vital before the prosecution of the Marxists traitors begin. You will only have real justice when the traitor supporting cabal of the current liberal judiciary is replaced.

    “Justice”? You keep using that word. And you keep proving it does not mean what you think it means.

    (Apologies in advance, Mr. Montoya)

  6. AbigailAdams
    FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 5:26 AM
    “I wouldn’t trust McConnell to “watch my purse for minute, okay?””

    …Mitch WOULD watch your purse.

    I have a tubby little Bichon who pays very rapt attention to your entire eating process, and if you get up for a minute and leave your chair out, or leave a pizza box too close to the edge of an unguarded counter…it’s HIS.

    …the way that dog watches that pizza box is the way a politician would watch your purse…

  7. Supernightshade- LMAO!

    Much like Linds, you have to praise him when he is actually doing something good.
    They need brownie points because they want votes for when they run in 20whatever. That’s all.

    But when they mess up again, (And they will- question is, how bad. lol) it’s on.
    We donate and promote their challengers. And I don’t know if either of them are super popular where they come from in the first place.

    Notice how a lot of RINO quit last year? They don’t like what we hope is coming to the swamp, I guess.


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