Mitch McConnell says he’s ‘fine’ after freezing at press conference – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell says he’s ‘fine’ after freezing at press conference

JTN: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he is “fine” after he silently paused mid-sentence for more than 20 seconds on Wednesday at the start of a Senate Republican leadership press conference before he had to be escorted away by his colleagues.

51 Comments on Mitch McConnell says he’s ‘fine’ after freezing at press conference

  1. He had a mini stroke, or whatever it’s called.

    I’ve seen it before. A cousin did that in front of several of us. He thought he was ok, but we made him go to the hospital. Stroke.

  2. A momentary lapse of reason?
    An overriding vision of more money laundered in Ukraine?
    A whiff of sulphur accosted his olfactory senses?
    Satan talking so fast in his head that it confused him?
    He heard the Gate of Hell opening for him?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Claudia AT 3:05 PM
    “He had a mini stroke, or whatever it’s called.”

    …its called a TIA, or Transient Ischemic Attack.

    …its odd to see IRL, as you know. They “Blank”, then come back with no awareness of the time they were out. They may or may not get “droop”, or unilateral weakness or other classic signs as the transient nature of the infarct may only briefly or incompletely cut off blood flow to different regions.

    Most folks are terrifed by the loss of time or the implications. The fact that Mitch doesn’t even seem surprised suggests this wasn’t the first time…

  4. “Mumble & staring off with blank eyes. Donny does the same thing all the time. Hopefully he’ll clot out from his vax & keel over.” -anonymous one horse pony

    Very meritorious. But your story is incomplete! Permit an old Constitutionalist a shot at finishing it…

    Donny keeled over in pain, realizing that a giant Faucian clot infected his large intestine. And it was stinging him like a ginormous Hillary Clinton Man-o-war jellyfish with life-threatening venom. Clearly, time was of the essence. This thing must be ejected at all costs! Suddenly, the President clenched his fist and uttered a “FUCK YOU” so loud that it – along with the explosive discharge from his rectum with it’s disgusting, high speed contents – broke the windows in the room he was in and knocked its door off it’s hinges! The building shook, as well.

    Mad as hell, The Most Feared Man On The Planet rose and slowly walked toward the first shit-for-brain he saw, a dorkwad named “One Trick Pony” who hated Don. The explosive contents from the President’s ass had knocked One Trick off his feet and filled his every orifice with Fauci’s shit. “Being full of shit is no way to go through life, son. Get yourself cleaned up.” The President kicked the door aside and walked out of the room only to win the 2024 Presidential election. One Trick Pony was never seen again.

  5. Didn’t Jerry Nadler do something like this while running a Committee or Inquiry a few years ago?

    Meanwhile DJT was doing 3 Rallies a day Fighting to Get Re-elected while Joe was getting injected with pep pills & shit.

  6. The guy tripped and fell and hit his head last March and has not been the same since. This is probably a normal occurrence for him these days. Just add him to the list of invalids that belong in a nursing home instead of Congress.

  7. Any stroke, including TIA, needs rapid transport to the hospital as there ARE very helpful things they can do that are ONLY available in a hospital setting.,first%20started%20if%20given%20intravenously.

    …a TIA is a shot across the bow. You may FEEL better quickly, but its very likely a harbinger of more and worse to come.

  8. …if God exercises the Turtle’s term limits, the Governor of Kentucky gets to appoint his successor.

    That would be illegitimate Cheat prototype test run for the Presidency steal, Democrat Beshear.

    …in other words, nothing would change…

  9. Those mini strokes he keeps having are his last warnings to stop being a traitorous scum before it’s too late.
    Reality – He’s not going to change – too far gone.
    He already looks like Death eating a cracker. Soon McCon will have a full course meal of fire and brimstone in Hell.

  10. 99th, these bastards wish to keep a literal death-grip on power.
    Us normal, decent people have no idea how evil they are.
    We cannot fathom hanging on to power & control until the grim reaper comes to your door.
    Never letting go. Never settling into the sunset with your unearned millions.
    These rats think THEY can take it with them.
    His hours are short, yet he still wants to control the lives of millions of Americans.
    He wants a say in YOUR LIFE.
    The fucking flaming arrogance.
    He is GOD in his evil mind.
    It’s far beyond my comprehension.
    Not sure I want to understand…

  11. Having a fucking STROKE in real-time, yet won’t immediately retire.
    Does his chinky grifting rat-bastard wife GAF?
    How about his family?
    Fuck no, just like Jill biden*, these motherfuckers are the worst of the worst.
    I wish them nothing but the eternal fires of hell!

  12. Catatonic stroke, I think deep in their evil statist globalist hearts they fear exposure of their sordid little club. Interesting that Turtle strokes out on day Humper loses his get out of jail free forever card.

    3xposing Humoer and the Pedo will unravel the sweater that feeds the Turtle. The whole power structure on Capitol Hill runs on graft, influence pedaling, insider trading, and corruption.

    The uniparty pays for protection of and from the Alphabet mafia.

    The entire swamp needs to be set on fire.

  13. Exactly, LocoBlancoSaltine. That’s why Hell is the perfect destination for ruling class fascists who even in the throes of death won’t relinquish any power. They’re too blind to see “power” on this Earth disappears like a vapor with their last breath.


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