Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill

Breitbart -Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the shocking decision to recommend Republicans block the advancement of the Senate pro-migration border bill.

That first procedural vote was set for Wednesday. It is unknown if Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will forge ahead, although that is likely.

McConnell cited the overwhelming number of Senate Republicans planning to vote against the measure either on substance or because they wanted more time, according to Punchbowl News.

The longtime Republican leader has spoken in favor of the deal and did not express any personal hesitations about the legislation to his colleagues. more

Nikki Haley is all for that bill.

21 Comments on Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill

  1. I can’t believe what a shithead McConnell is! He’ll now say he is against it, but I guarantee in the back rooms he’s putting the pressure on to pass it. If he doesn’t one of his bosses will make him pay a price he’s not willing to pay.

  2. Oh my, Brain dead Mitch has risen! Hallelujah Praise the Lord. Dis will save ….nope.
    The republiCONS all hopes all gone, thank you Joe Biden can stay in his basement, campaign for the win. Tanks

  3. Presidential Seal 6 Strike Team Force, currently on hold waiting for the verdict on Total Presidential Immunity for the go ahead to take out America’s #1 threat. Just let us do our job.

  4. Said many times ,”Niki is a “Bush Republicn””.
    Our first OPEN BORDERS PRESIDENT was GWB. Defended by Jeb in ’06 with, “When a criminal alien rapes a 3 year old IT AN ACT OF LOVE!”!

    Of course she’s for this horse shit. AS are all “Bush Republicans! naming onhy a few:”Benedict” Chrenshaw, Liz Cheney, Adam K.

    For those <35 – the crime wave we had 20 years ago is happening again -for same reason.
    Angus macFergus 1,600 years ago – about – "Those who do not learn history; ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT!"

    For those <80 The reason OPERATION WETBACK was such a giant success for working Americans is that crime was throttled way down. Resulting in Fed Budget surpluses and negative inflatiopn – aka deflation! ALL AMERICAN WORKERS GOT A TAX FREE PAY RAISE!
    They could buy more with theirpay!
    Our "betters' gpt pay cuts as theyh had tp [ay mpre fpr: cooks,drivers, gardners, maids etc!

    There is, and always has been, a very good reason plutocrats want "OPEN BORDERS"! It drives down wages!

    yes the feds really had budget surpluses – we paid down our debt – after "operation wetback"!
    I was there!

  5. Simply put, a wise man once said: “Fences make good neighbors”
    We need a wall for the same reason that people put up fences and lock their doors. It’s just common sense! The proof is in what has been happening for the past three years and what’s about to happen that will absolutely cast in concrete the consequences of no wall and no border control whatsoever! The National Socialist Party (democRATz) has encouraged and enabled the enemy to invade our land in numbers never before seen! We saw a taste (just a smidgeon) of what they are capable of doing with the The New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case back in 2008. It was a “slam-dunk case” of clear voter intimidation and the Kenyan Kremepuff quashed it the moment he took office. They’re going to multiply that by a thousand fold and more! Much, much more!

  6. any a**hole for illegal immigration, put s**t-holers up in your dwelling on your dime. give them access to your $$$, vehicle, bathroom/fridge & female relatives. or stfu.

  7. As someone who has dealings with immigration, my ex-wife was an immigrant, I don’t want to hear anything about support for illegals, patways to blah, blah blah. Any legislation that prioritizes illegals, short of their immediate arrest and deportation, is a direct slap in the face to those who are immigrating legally, and believe me, they need all the help they can get.

    And don’t get me started on asylum. Most of those claims are bullshit. My ex was an asylee in the truest sense. She and her mother came over in the 90s during the Bosnian wars for fear of forced separation (mother was Bosnian, ex was Croatian) or worse.


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