Mitch McConnell voted most unpopular senator: poll – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell voted most unpopular senator: poll


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is America’s most unpopular senator, according to a Morning Consult poll released Monday.

Just one-third of Kentuckians, 33%, approve of McConnell’s job performance, while 60% disapprove.

The most popular U.S. senator is South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune, who has a 62% approval rating with a 28% disapproval rating, the poll showed.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., showed the largest approval increase, despite facing harsh criticism from fellow Democrats over his moderate views.

In the first quarter of 2021, just 40% of West Virginia voters approved of Manchin. One year later, 57% approved of his performance, including 69% of Republicans.

15 Comments on Mitch McConnell voted most unpopular senator: poll

  1. Most unpopular
    Most butt-ugly
    Most corrupt POS
    Most punchable face
    Most suspicious spouse
    Most heinous criminal in CONgress

    the list goes on…. give the creep all his kudos.

  2. Before Mitch worked “night and day” to confirm AG Garland Blunt was my #1. But I think parents are not ” domestic terrorists, bigger threats than ISIS, or Taliban!”,Mitch has taken over #1 for over a year!

  3. BFH
    APRIL 26, 2022 AT 3:01 PM
    “But they still win!
    So, something to be said about money, name recognition, and how retarded people are.”

    …yep, it’s a real mystery how they still “win”, innit?


  4. If only 33% approve of Mcconnell, why do the people of Kentucky keep sending him back to D.C.? I would bet that he is like my old senator, Dick Luger. His campaign commercials always were filmed on his “family farm”. Turns out he had rarely, if ever came back to Indiana. He liked staying in his mansion in McLean, Virginia. Members of his own family gave interviews swearing it was true. When people found out about it here, he was sent packing, after what seemed like 100 years. McConnell is just like that. He has been in office since I was a kid. Most people who work a real job would have retired by now. Sad what our “leaders” have become since America was founded. A gaggle of grifting thieves feathering their own nests off of regular folks hard work & tax dollars.

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