Mitch McConnell’s home vandalized – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell’s home vandalized

Antifa dude fails at spelling.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Louisville home was vandalized early Saturday morning. Messages like “where’s my money” and other expletives were written with spray paint across the front door and bricks of the Kentucky Republican’s Highlands residence.

20 Comments on Mitch McConnell’s home vandalized

  1. This $2,000 is nothing more than a bribe to prevent the peasants from revolting against them.

    Their goal is OUR total enslavement.

    They’re only buying themselves more time.

  2. Unfortunately, this event allows Mitch to claim a bit of “moral high ground” – although we know he has none. It makes him look like a bit of a victim to the low-info crowd.

  3. A random bad ass tweet.

    “Continental Congress was not a group of men from all points of view. They all knew the British were moving to crack down on the Colonies. Only question was how far the Colonial patriots would go in response. Patrick Henry in Virginia had laid out the options: Liberty or Death.”

    This will not end pretty.

  4. there are 13 headless turtles hangin’ on a line
    their severed heads would snap a stick
    and break your finger pretty quick
    the blood is draining from their necks
    and out into the grass
    the flies are buzzin’ all around
    a hatchet stickin’ in the ground

    – Ass Ponys, “It’s Summer Here,” 1995

  5. …did his city clean the graffiti off for him? SF sent a detail to clean Nancy’s garage up IMMEDIATELY at no charge to her.

    …probably not. Mitch doesn’t rule by terror the way Democrats do…

  6. Interesting that they took the time to remove the wreath and paint their misspelled back woods deliverance style message and then put it back, or team mitch through it up after the fact.
    Either way fugging hillbilly dipshits can only get a date at a family reunion anyhow.
    yee-fugging-haw asshats

  7. Oh Nancy suffered financial hardship for her vandalized garage. Ice cream in her bowl melted while she was on the phone with the cops. For that the American people will pay dearly.


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