Mitch McConnell’s Media Tour To Brag About Defeating GOP Opponents Of Biden’s Foreign Policy Was Remarkably Ill-Advised – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell’s Media Tour To Brag About Defeating GOP Opponents Of Biden’s Foreign Policy Was Remarkably Ill-Advised


Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky went on a big media tour to praise President Biden’s foreign policy, to take credit for a massive additional spending package for Ukraine, and to virulently attack the 11 Republican senators and 57 Republican members of Congress who voted against it.

“McConnell Casts Ukraine Vote as Victory Over Republican Party’s Isolationist Wing,” touted the Wall Street Journal, using a derogatory and inaccurate term to describe the growing coalition that opposes Biden’s non-strategic foreign policy that appears untethered to any long-term national security interest.

McConnell wants to be associated with the Democrats’ bill, and he should be remembered as having helped its passage. In fact, he worked with Democrats to expand the bill from President Biden’s initial request of $33 billion and to smooth legislative hurdles for easy passage. The passage of the bill brings the total U.S. funding for Ukraine’s defensive war against Russia to more than $50 billion.

McConnell’s victory tour was lapped up by a D.C. media establishment that shares his goal of returning the Republican Party to its Bush-era foreign policy, and to disparage any voices supportive of former President Donald Trump, who had expressed concern about the costs and national security risks of escalating the war in Russia.

“Why are we giving more than $40 billion to Ukraine while Europe, by comparison, is giving very little, and they are greatly more impacted by a Russian invasion, obviously, than the U.S.,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri tweeted, “Spending $40 billion on Ukraine aid – more than three times what all of Europe has spent combined – is not in America’s interests. It neglects priorities at home (the border), allows Europe to freeload, short changes critical interests abroad and comes w/ no meaningful oversight. That’s not isolationism. That’s nationalism. It’s about prioritizing American security and American interests.”

By contrast, National Review praised the passage of the bill and mocked concerns over the dollar amount.

Still, nearly one in four Republican senators declined to support the massive spending package. more

14 Comments on Mitch McConnell’s Media Tour To Brag About Defeating GOP Opponents Of Biden’s Foreign Policy Was Remarkably Ill-Advised

  1. Doesn’t this asshole and his chicom wife have enough dough stashed away?
    I guess he assumes his billions buy perfect security, despite his progressive attempts to unarm the rest of society.
    I’d welcome the day his “bulletproof” anti American stances were put to the test.

  2. Everything McCONnell has done as a GOP leader has been ill advised. “Appeasement” is his middle name. McCONnell fights against Republican conservative principles and conservative candidates to fill as many seats with RINOs to maintain his power position. He back-stabbed Trump every step of the way.
    He’s no better than chuck schumer and the rest of the “elite” establishment socialists.

  3. I have to wonder what political “favors” Pelosi promised to Mitch. He did a 180 rather quickly from where he was right after Biden was installed.

  4. I’ll not vote for any GOP Senate candidate as long as this POS is the “leader”. Better a democrat who admits it than one who claims to be something else but isn’t.

  5. “Bush republicans” have always been “NeoCommies” – words of the man for whom I voted 9 times! Lefty Mitch has always been a “Bush Republican”. Were he not a “Bush Republican”he would not have moved heaven and earth 15 months ago to get M. Garland confirmed AG!

    Ronny also said that Bush Republicans were “Blame America” NWO globalists. (Last 2 words are really mine not his – NWO was not a common term before the 1st Bush President (The worst vote I ever made was voting for an America hater Bush. Learned my lesson watching “Kinder Gentler”; did that fuck up only once. Ladies, please pardon my French; but I loveAmerica and when I talk about American haters I get angry! I would say Bush Republicans are AMERICANS LAST leftists!

    Hawley is confirming my opinion. The Bush Republicans are AMERICAN LAST All others before Americans. In the case at hand Bush folk are putting Ukranians ahead of Americans.

    Said many times but worth repeating because it is important. Buckley WAS A GOOD REPUBLICAN BUT LIBERAL. HE SUCCESSFULLY DEFEATED RONNY IN ’76 (I voted Ronny- biased I am!) In ’80 he was against Ronny until it was clear Ronny would sweep the convention. Then he switched and became an honest Ronny supporter. Many at his NR were liberal Repubs that wrote disparaging articles about ‘Ronny from ’81 to forever.


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