Mitt Romney Drafting a ‘Replacement for Obamacare’ – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Drafting a ‘Replacement for Obamacare’


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said Wednesday that he continues to draft a “replacement for Obamacare,” joining many other Republicans who have tried to fulfill President Donald Trump’s promise to make the Republican Party the party of health care.

Romney told the Hill Wednesday that he has a new plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Sen. Romney revealed, “It’s a replacement for ObamaCare. We’re ready with that, but we’ll see what kind of support we get.”

Several Republican Senate offices reportedly have not heard anything about Obamacare’s replacement plan. Asked by the Hill whether he would release his plan first or seek to gain cosponsors, Romney said, “It depends on the support, or lack thereof.”

When Romney served as the governor of Massachusetts, he signed into law his own healthcare plan that was widely believed to be a precursor to Obamacare. The healthcare bill Romney signed contained an individual mandate to purchase health insurance.

In 2006, speaking at the Heritage Foundation, Romney said that people who did not purchase health insurance were free riders on the health insurance system.

Conservatives panned Romney during the 2012 Republican presidential election, contending that the former Massachusetts governor helped inspire the system for the ACA; however, Romney has defended his work in Massachusetts, often stating that his legislation worked for Massachusetts, but does not work for the rest of the country. more here

21 Comments on Mitt Romney Drafting a ‘Replacement for Obamacare’

  1. This is the Trump Era, we are winning.
    We do not want to hear from losers like Mitt who had to move to Utah and use his Mormon bonifides to get to get re-elected. What a loser!

    We are done with them.

  2. Mitt was a Governor in Massachusetts that put in place a socialist healthcare plan in that state, ran for president, lost, moved to Utah (FROM MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR!), and used his magic underpants to gain a seat as an Utah senator!
    It’s really amazing! I want these magic underpants!

  3. I’m sure Romney will match Obama in generosity of both tax dollars and stupidity.
    The illegals are awaiting for word of their potential windfall of gains.

  4. I know this will not sit well with Romney and other RINOs, but a (not so) novel idea: repeal ObamaCare, remove regulation restrictions, let capitalism and the free market work.
    Oops, sorry, I forgot that government must be more involved, not less, I must be getting old

  5. It’s great that Mittens is so helpful.

    Much like his existence, his unsolicited solution is answer to a question no one asked.

    Now that it’s proffered, maybe he can get back to persecuting those who’ve fled his loopy Cowboy Jesus cult.

  6. Trump should pretend he likes Romney’s goal. That’ll be the kiss of death for Rombamacare.

    But really, would you want a healthcare plan by the guy who gave Joe Soptic’s wife cancer?

  7. I remember Mitt’s plan back in 2012- he was going to give a presidential waiver to the nation.

    The only thing he succeeds at is digging to depths of disappointment I did not know were possible.


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