Mitt Romney Hardest Hit By Mike Lee’s Win In Utah – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Hardest Hit By Mike Lee’s Win In Utah


Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee captured a third term Tuesday night after his same-state GOP colleague in the upper chamber de facto backed Lee’s challenger, a Democrat masquerading as an independent.

Mitt Romney, the junior senator from Utah, was the only Republican senator who refused Lee an endorsement against failed 2016 third-party presidential candidate Evan McMullin. In April, Romney told Politico his refusal to endorse in the contest was due to having “two friends” in the race.

“I don’t get involved in primaries and I don’t endorse,” Romney said, despite attending a fundraiser for Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney days later. Cheney went on to lose her August primary by more than 36 points to Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman. And had many Democrat voters not changed their party registration to support Cheney in the GOP contest, her losing margins would have been far wider.

McMullin ran as a self-proclaimed independent but pulled the endorsement of the Democrats in April as the party’s official candidate and solicited donations through ActBlue. His campaign, funded by Democrats, became nearly indistinguishable from Democrats in other states, considering his pro-abortion platform and hyperventilating about democracy supposedly being in danger if Republicans won. On the debate stage in October, McMullin fabricated charges against Lee, saying the incumbent had conspired with the White House to hijack the Electoral College and turn the 2020 election for President Donald Trump. more

10 Comments on Mitt Romney Hardest Hit By Mike Lee’s Win In Utah

  1. As I recall, Mike Lee is of the Rubio stripe — one of those who road in on the Tea Party, who isn’t really Tea Party. Is that right? Anyway, have never been impressed by Lee as anything but another get-along/go-along empty suit in the Congress.

  2. I am ashamed and extremely frustrated that I was forced to choose between these two.

    McMullin is an idealistic deep state warrior, willing to sacrifice our freedoms, security and prosperity to advance his cause.

    Lee sells himself to the highest bidder. He is a swamp creature. He is Mike Lee (R-Bangalore). His cause is his ego. I had to vote for him, just as I had to vote for Bro. Mitt, because the alternative was worse, maybe not far worse but worse.

    The Utah Republican leadership disgusts me, as does the National Republican leadership. For our votes, those that were counted and not diluted by fraudulent votes (yes, Bro. Mitt, I said the “F” word), we are likely to be rewarded with two more years of the Turtle and Paul Ryan’s meat puppet.

    Had the Red Tsunami happened, the result would have been the same. How many times have we enthusiastically ridden this train to nowhere? Until the leadership is changed, the Republican Party will always be the loyal opposition, majority or not, content with a place at the feeding trough.

  3. AC Parker…I feel your pain. Had to vote for Dewine in Ohio as well as JD Vance, who is replacing Rob Portman, another traitor. I swore I wouldn’t do it again but somehow I couldn’t let Tim Ryan win. It’s sad

  4. Anonymous, Bro. Mitt is neither a Utahn nor a conservative. You had him pegged as a carpetbagger.

    People are drawn to powerful families, like the Roosevelts, the Kennedys, the Bushs. In Utah, it has been the Marriots, the Mathesons, the Huntsmans, and the Romneys. At least John-boy was born and raised here, though his ego and ambition were far greater than the state could satisfy — gratefully (Save us from governors who feel they must do things. They nearly always make things worse, like Smilin’ Mike Leavitt and now Gov. “Karen” Cox).

    Redistricting moved me into Chris Stewart’s district. He seems alright, but I haven’t really investigated his record. My greatest regret when I moved to Salt Lake County, many years ago, was that I no longer had the opportunity to vote against “Honest” Jim Hansen and his merry band of idiot staffers.

    I am back in the district but Jim Hansen retired with his stash of cash (All above board (what isn’t, as they make the rules over themselves?) He was the most honest congressman ever, we were told. Quite the indictment of society. Nice of him to have a major highway, ironically named “Legacy Highway,” rerouted through his, his family’s and his buddies’ properties before he left. It required the building of FrontRunner (commuter rail) for federal approval. A tremendous money pit. Much money has been made in real estate development. “Conservative” rent-seekers are the worst kind.


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