Mitt Romney Held A Dem Donor Meeting For Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz And It Didn’t Go Well – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Held A Dem Donor Meeting For Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz And It Didn’t Go Well

DC: Former presidential nominee Mitt Romney recently hosted a donor meeting for former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz who has been reportedly considering a run for president as a Democrat in 2020.

Politico’s Ben Schrekinger said the event did not go well and that many left uninspired by the potential nominee.

“Will there be some segment of the customer base that decides, ‘I’m not going to go to Starbucks anymore should he become a candidate,” Mark Kalinowski, president of Kalinowski Equity Research, asked Politico. “You have to think about the employees. You have to think about the shareholders, everybody who might be affected by the decision to run.”

Both Wall Street analysts and Starbucks leadership are concerned about how a potential campaign would impact the coffee company, according to Politico. They’re worried about potentially losing customers from the other side of the political aisle.  more here


Say, has Mitt been helping out any Republicans lately?

19 Comments on Mitt Romney Held A Dem Donor Meeting For Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz And It Didn’t Go Well

  1. Now they are concerned about losing customers from the other side of the isle, after they have spent the past two years (at least) throwing us out of their businesses?

    Or have they finally come to the realization that there aren’t many leftists with a lot of money (outside the news media and the entertainment industries)?

  2. “They’re worried about potentially losing customers from the other side of the political aisle.”

    Don’t have to worry about me because I will never step foot into a Starbutts restaurant. Just stating “the other political aisle” tells me they’re big time liberals and afraid to lose conservatives. WTH are conservatives doing giving their money to Starbutts? Make your own coffee and lattes at home, save your money for a nice vacation.

  3. Next thing we’ll hear is GWB fund raising for K. Harriss. As I’v said for over a decade UNIPARTY!

    the GOP left is openly admitting they are actually D’s who takes money from dumb R’s. Unfortunately there are a lot of dumb R’s,

  4. Would you guys dis-inherit me if I say I hope Mitt loses?

    I hate to think a D would add a seat at the table, but it may be better to know the way he would vote as opposed to always wondering what Mitt would do. I can just see him doing a McCain during an important, tight vote. I can see him grinning as he thumbs down.

  5. Speaken of McShitstain. He issued a very lucid attempt at a take down of DJT today. Impressive for a guy who’s entire brain has rotted away. Starting to believe those people that say McShitstains cancer is only an attempt to avoid prosecution. Fxcking dick.

  6. Claudia, I have faith we will pick up a Dem seat to counter a Romney loss. He needs to GTFO. A Dem senator in Utah won’t be able to go full leftard very easily. And did I mention that Romney needs to GTFO.


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