Mitt Romney Will Vote for Biden-Burisma Probe Subpoena – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Will Vote for Biden-Burisma Probe Subpoena

Breitbart: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) will vote to authorize a subpoena as part of Senate Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family’s dealing with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma.

The announcement comes as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is readying a request for an interview and documents from former Blue Star Strategies consultant Andrii Telizhenko. Burisma is alleged to have attempted to leverage its relationship with then-board member Hunter Biden to obtain access to the State Department, while his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, was in office. The younger Biden was paid a lucrative $83,000 per month to serve as a board member, despite his lack of expertise in the oil and gas industry.

“Senator Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle. He will therefore vote to let the Chairman proceed to obtain the documents that have been offered,” Romney spokesperson Liz Johnson said in a statement.

The Utah Republican’s support for the subpoena follows skepticism he expressed about the investigation. more

SNIP: Romney has friends at Burisma. That’s why he freaked.

19 Comments on Mitt Romney Will Vote for Biden-Burisma Probe Subpoena

  1. Romney voted for it cuz he knew his goose was cooked if any of his associations or business dealings with Burisma was exposed as well. Birds of a feather cheat together and these birds were gonna sing real loud about anyone even remotely involved with Burisma.

  2. “Romney has friends at Burisma. That’s why he freaked.”.

    More like accomplices.

    I seriously doubt that Romney has any friends. He has syncophants aplenty though. And they are just as duplicitous as their patron.

  3. Yessssss … mustn’t allow the American People, the Sovereign of the United States, the financial fountain of all corruption, to see and understand the depths of the corruption in which our “gov’t” bathes.
    Fuckin disgusting.
    Corruption – you’re either awash in it or you’re not. Pretty simple.

    The fact that neither chamber takes any meaningful action against corruption is indicative of the depth and breadth of corruption. The fact that our Federal police agencies never investigate the rampant corruption is indicative of their commitment to protect the corrupt (and, implicitly, their complicity).
    The occasional “low-hanging” fruit is gathered for some obscure nefarious political purposes while the steady flow of taxpayer funds to politically-connected parasites, operatives, and thugs continues unabated.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Corruption transcends time, space, and party.

    A “green” window manufacturer in the midwest.
    A “wind” farm.
    A community “service” voluntary group in Chicago.
    A community “outreach” program in New York City.
    A midnight basketball league in DC.
    A homeless “shelter” in Los Angeles.
    A needle exchange in San Francisco.
    &c., &c., &c.

    From these humble trappings to the “Foundations” and “Non-Government Organizations” that institutionalize corruption around the world to the vast thefts of $Billions upon $Billions set up, ostensibly, as “Foreign Aid.”

    Ever ask yourself why NO ONE in gov’t can follow the money?
    Simple money trails that lead to arrests and convictions of drug dealers every single day can’t be applied to corruption? Or, perhaps, no one is looking?
    Hmmmmmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …


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