Mitt Romney claims he didn’t know about Burisma when he voted to impeach President Trump, clearly lying because his former associate was on the Burisma Board too.
It’s pretty clear that lying goes along with being a slimy politician. Mitt Romney provides the proof.
Romney voted for the Trump impeachment when President Trump was impeached for doing his duty and looking into the activities of US politicians in Ukraine. Mitt Romney voted for the impeachment.
This week, Mollie Hemmingway from the Federalist reported on Romney’s new book where he claims that he had no idea about Hunter Biden’s actions as Board member of Ukrainian oil and gas giant Burisma. more
“Mittens” Romney – “I had no idea the dog was on the roof…?
(look it up)
And now Tom Emmer, a RINO who fronted for a Soros group wanting to get rid of the Electoral College, has been endorsed by Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. WTF. Death to the Uniparty!
Profound ignorance coupled with greed and grandstanding.
Top three characteristics of Romney.
I am so sick of Romney. I wish he would just disappear so we would not have to remember that he once called himself a Republican.
Mormons who wear sacred underwear never lie! /snark
It seems as if more and more of the festering ‘bandaids’ that politicians have used to hide their 2nd, 3rd (or more) faces, are finally being ripped off exposing their hypocrisies.
Sometimes it feels like watching that TV show that exposed cheating spouses.
Other times it’s like roaches scattering for cover when the light is turned on. This is my favorite, RINOs scattering for cover!
I never liked that program, but watching an exposed RINO has become a sport.
Demoncrats always let us see a portion of their evil, we just have to remember it’s just the tip of the pile of 💩in which they are involved.
mormon moron wears skid-mark underwear
We need a lot more lampposts and rope.
Toob Steak Mitt!
Sacred underwear that never gets washed… cuz, ya know, itz sacred and all.
Dude’s a skidmark on those blessed BVDS
Frigging carpetbagger.
Every time I see a post about this asshole, I have this flashback of me anxiously going to cast my vote for him. It’s been 11 years and I still feel like I need to take a bath with Lysol.
Say what you will about Mitt Romney; but, butt, my wife and I got back last Saturday from a trip to Salt Lake City and Moab, Utah. The big story a month ago was that Mittin’z family would not stay with him in Maryland. Frankly, anyone would be hard pressed to give up Utah’s blue skies and natural wonderlands to hang out for an extended period in a dump like the area surrounding our nation’s “glorious” capitol.
The only “Bush Republican” I ever voted for was GHW! Worst/biggest mistake of my life! #*&?@#$%*!?! Father of RomneyCare, like his dad, was “Bush Republican’. Glad i did not vote for him!
Shit must ooze out of Mittens’ ears. I bet deep down his kids are ashamed of that slime ball.
May Pierre Delicto go on one of those Senators’ junkets and get lethally gang-sodomized by hordes of Religion of Peaceniks!
Hope he drops a big blotch of yellow mus-turd on his clean and starched white shirt.
Prison and ruin for them ALL!