American Thinker-
Mitt Romney prides himself on being a thorn in President Trump’s side, but he is just a gnat buzzing about the leftmedia that now revere him. He’s become a joke but has yet to realize that.
Romney wins the prize among the pathetic group of RINOS who think they can vanquish Trump by treating him and his supporters like pond scum. The problem with the left and the RINOS is that they assume, with no hint of irony, that they are smart and the rest of us are not. Actually, it is they who are blinkered to the point of blindness.
They take for granted their revealed conviction that Trump-supporters and the American citizens of our middle and working classes are unworthy of respect, as are all those migrants they’ve invited to cross our border without regard for the horrific indignities they must endure on their journey north. The Biden/Harris administration knows full well that those women and children are subjected to all manner of abuse and torture, that each migrant must pay the cartels and can enter the country only with their paid permission and wearing a bracelet to confirm that permission.
But Romney now seems to love Biden and endorses his destructive policies all around. He loves to show up on the Sunday shows and condemn President Trump. The man has no scruples, no core values.
Had Romney won the presidency in 2012, he may have been marginally better than Obama, but, like Biden, he would never have put America first. He’s a born globalist, which explains his affinity for Biden and the leftmedia. He hates Trump more than he loves America. keep reading
h/t NAAC.
Mitt and Ryan were the absolute low point of republican politics. Or was it McCain? They all suck.
I’d say the Bush’s were the low point. They got elected, but were otherwise the same as McCain and Romney.
Romney will go down as an ambitious man with no principles that was always on the wrong side of history. He has really made a joke of himself. One of the top votes I regret being forced to make.
I think that Mitt guy is the best thing since sliced croissants 🥐!
Mittins…A two time loser and national embarrassment!
I regret voting for Romney more than I did for Jimmy Carter. I was young and foolish in 1976 and should’ve known better than to vote for the Quisling Romney in 2012. I also voted for McCain but that was mainly for Sarah Palin.
Even Bob Dole in 96 was a better choice than Romney or McCain.
Despicable is far to mild a word
He will never be as rich as Trump. Or be POTUS. And that eats at what little soul he ever had.
But he gets his own planet when he dies and goes to Mormon (moron) heaven.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt the sore loser.
Mitt is just pissed off that he can’t be a sister-wife
Sadly, I delayed my departure from Massachusetts by one day in 1994 to vote for that douche over an even bigger douche. And murderer. Senator Ted Kennedy.
Worse than just being anti-Trump, Mittens is anti-conservative
Ronny hater Mit was a Neo Commie long before he spawned RomneyCare! I knew he was a NeoCommie 20 years ago! I did not vote Mitt. Everything he has done the last 8 years reaffirms my decision! Mitt and GWB should declare they are “D”; exept that neither has any morals.
Mitt Romney, the Republican’s version of John Kerry.
Mittens is a worthless puke.
But he’s infinitely better than Obola.
A dead fucking possum is better than Obola.
Mittens is the equivalent of a dead possum.
izlamo delenda est …
The only person on the planet who loves himself a stiff delicious peter is Paul Ryan.
The establishment swamp rat RINOs are petty rats who seem to think they have more influence over us voters than they actually do.
There was a post on FB today where he was talking about how he worked in a bipartisan manor with the Dems on the infrastructure bill. It was also in my notifications.
In the past I have made negative comments on his posts. Often times people ask why people like me follow him if we don’t like him. I explain that I do NOT follow him — he just shows up uninvited.
Money is such an alluring drug…..made by humans that love controlling other humans.
Mittens cannot get over the fact he lost to an idiot like obama (and his debate babysitter, Candy Crowley).
Worse, Donald Trump showed him how to do it, making Romney look like a TITANIC moron for losing to obama.
So instead of killing himself (which is the only honorable thing for this asshole to do – shy of his becoming Trumps’ lawn jockey), he rages against a winner.
gotta confess … voted for Mittens over O’Breezy (I’d vote for a sack of cow shit over that queer crapweasel)
voted for McCain over O’Breezy
voted for Bush over Kerry
voted for Bush over Gore
voted for Dole over Clinton
voted for Bush over Clinton
voted for Reagan over Mondale
voted for Reagan over Carter
voted for Ford over Carter
voted for Nixon over McGovern
… yeah, I go back that far
but, I’m sick & tired of voting for the lesser of 2 sell-outs
Remarkable, notable evidence of the fallacy of credentialism. He has the credentials, therefore he is the right man for the job. Like Fauci. Or Biden. Or Milley. Or any number of impotent functionaries risen to incompetence in our technocratic authoritarian state,
Mitt Romney will NEVER be POTUS.
Steve Bannon has been tearing into him lately, even going so far as to attacking his father and the rest of his whole family two generations back.
No surprise that he comes from a long line of bottom feeding scum.
Wearing double face diapers in a desparate attempt to please Bill Gates.