Mittens Says He May Decline 2020 Presidential Endorsement – IOTW Report

Mittens Says He May Decline 2020 Presidential Endorsement

Epoch Times: Utah Senator Mitt Romney said on June 7 that he is not sure if he will endorse President Donald Trump for the second term and that he won’t necessarily support anyone during the 2020 campaign.

The former Republican presidential candidate told reporters, “I don’t think endorsements are worth a thimble of spit,” adding, “I wouldn’t be surprised if I stay out of the endorsements.”

The Utah senator thinks that it’s very likely that Trump wins the 2020 election due to the current strong economy, albeit “it’s not a sure thing.” He thinks it’s still too early for endorsements.

Romney has been one of the keenest critics from the GOP of Donald Trump on occasion, nevertheless supporting him on other issues. Trump endorsed Romney’s run for Senate.

Romney was against the president’s plan to apply tariffs on Mexico as a strategy to curb the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

The president had set a deadline on Monday to enforce the tariffs, however, the United States and Mexico reached a deal on Friday to avert them.

20 Comments on Mittens Says He May Decline 2020 Presidential Endorsement

  1. Wow, at a time when we could use some help on the border, and support for fixing the trade imbalance, pushing the economy even further, we are surrounded by incompetent assholes like this who hold try to hold us back. How fucking ignorant is this useless dickwad?

    Stick to the vaping issue Mitt. For GOD’S SAKE!


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