Mizzou loses students, jobs because of Black Lives Matter protests – IOTW Report

Mizzou loses students, jobs because of Black Lives Matter protests

It’s due to “public perception concerns” they say.

DC: Officials at the University of Missouri’s flagship campus in Columbia have announced a plan to cut approximately 400 jobs and raise tuition in the face of a projected 7.4 percent plunge in student enrollment and a $14.7 million state budget cut.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 employees will simply lose their jobs at the taxpayer-funded school. The rest of the job cuts will come either because people are retiring or because the school won’t renew the contracts of non-tenured professors, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

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20 Comments on Mizzou loses students, jobs because of Black Lives Matter protests


    This needs to be the “theme” for the repercussions for all the race baiting, social dividing, and job destroying that jug-eared queer has done.

  2. I see Missouri lowering their standards to get “students” to come–that will really help (sarc). I foresee more firings and more closing of dorms. Bye bye Missouri–we didn’t want you in the SEC anyway.

  3. U of M ought to rename some buildings after obozo and holder. Rename the library the “Black Lives Matter” library. obozo and holder burned down that university, along with the marxist faculty like melissa click. Most other US universities have the identical mentality, with 95% of the faculty being brainwashed marxist obozo worshipers. The alumni ought to be furious but they too likely are mainly obozo worshipers and would still love to hump his leg.

  4. Even before BLM started up with their racist idiocy, at least two Illinois universities started losing students when the state began shipping inner city “youths” down from Chicago, and the violent crime rates soared. Parents from small, downstate schools weren’t sending their kids to those schools to be victimized. The BLM crap just sped up that trend.

  5. Those bad old evil segregationists back in the ’60s warned that enforced desegregation would first force lower standards, then degrade, and finally destroy the US educational system and its individual schools.

    It’s so good today to see that, fortunately, all their fears were unnecessary. Standards have only risen, diversity is strength, and US universities have never been better.

    Sarc off.

  6. Notice they said they want to change “public perception”. These are weasel words for “We’re going to come up with a lie to fool the public into thinking we made changes”. Typical liberal bullshit.

  7. Mizzou should understand that when you play stupid games with stupid people that you can only win stupid prizes.

    However, I’m sure the gubmint will continue to subsidize under the guise of diversity and affirmative action.

    Gotta maintain those high tuition rates, don’t you know…….

  8. If they want to make a change then the Dean (or Chancellor) comes out banning BLM from campus, stating they (BLM) were formed on a lie purely for political and personal gain and power and exist only to exacerbate differences between the races and to encourage racism thus maintaining that political power the leaders gained for themselves. Then we’ll see how many of their current students leave/strike/riot then when it’s finished you may have a school that will need work but one that would be worth it.

    Students that quit in a huff that the bluff was called will find it hard to gain entry at another school because no learning institution knowingly enrols revolutionaries. This isn’t the 60’s anymore, 99 percent of the students want a job after school.

  9. Sad. Good engineering school. The STEM students at Mizzou huddled together. The good profs, and there are many, have to walk on eggs.

    BFH was the first blogger to break the story and post the video of the crazy woman instructor who threatened, with bodily harm, the young journalist who was filming the near riot. The serious students there were so desperate to get that story out, they sent the links to everyone they knew, including gradnparents, to let peeps know what’ going on.

  10. why is it that where ever blacks go or move in the property values go down or the neighborhood turns into a ghetto? college- houses- cities- it all turns to crap. at least my Mexican neighbors mow their lawns.

  11. “at least my Mexican neighbors mow their lawns.”

    True. But there’s more to the story where I live.

    I should takes some pictures to show the rest of story.

    Primary Blue with Primary yellow trim really stands out and cheapens the neighborhood. Bright green isn’t any better. It only takes one house to do that.

    With the newbies – so many cars it’s hard to pull my 20 ft trailer out of the driveway and even harder to get it back in. Decent people, but 3 families in one 1,000 s.f. house (with 6 cars) is a bit much. I’m considering widening my driveway and the access apron to accommodate visitors and my trailer use.

    The gun fire into the air all night on New Year’s Eve is seriously dangerous. That increased over the years as the percentage of Mexicans living there increased.

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