Modern-day Bernhard Goetz chokes out violent vagrant on NYC subway – IOTW Report

Modern-day Bernhard Goetz chokes out violent vagrant on NYC subway

Revolver: Recently, a video went viral showing a brave commuter taking action and restraining an erratic homeless man on a New York City subway. While being held down by the 24-year-old passenger, the unruly vagrant sadly ended up dying,

The New York Post:

The 24-year-old passenger stepped in after the vagrant, identified by sources as Jordan Neely, 30, began going on an aggressive rant on a northbound F train Monday afternoon, according to police and a witness who took the video.

“He starts to make a speech,” freelance journalist Juan Alberto Vazquez said in Spanish during an interview Tuesday, referring to the disturbed man.

“He started screaming in an aggressive manner,” Vazquez told The Post. “He said he had no food, he had no drink, that he was tired and doesn’t care if he goes to jail. He started screaming all these things, took off his jacket, a black jacket that he had, and threw it on the ground.”

That’s when he said the straphanger came up behind Neely and took him to the ground in a chokehold — keeping him there for some 15 minutes, Vazquez said.

The viral video was captured by journalist Juan Vazquez, who just happened to be on the train when the incident went down. It shows a blond subway rider lying on the train floor, with his arm wrapped around the neck of the unruly man. more

20 Comments on Modern-day Bernhard Goetz chokes out violent vagrant on NYC subway

  1. All progressives own this. Democrats and their “friends across the aisle in the Republican establishment who go along with them, are 100% responsible for the stiff having been on the streets in the first place and not being locked up in an insane asylum for being a threat to himself and others and 100% responsible for “defund the police.” Now watch them try and exploit it to advance their agenda. They have no conscience and they have no morals.

    The Republican establishment is absolutely complicit, they go along to get along.

  2. If you use drugs to get high and you have used up most of your functioning brain cells you may end up dead because of your actions. Proceed accordingly, it’s your fault, full stop.

  3. When you really, really need the politically correct, affirmative action, DEI placed, media despised, gang targeted, politically threatened police who know they’ll be denied justice by the courts, they’re only 20 minutes away.

  4. The coroner’s office, no doubt on orders from the poor man’s Rosey Grier, ruled this a homicide, so yes, he will be charged with some version of murder.

  5. Manslaughter charges to be made. The guy will be screwed by our two tiered judicial system, to set an example for all good samaritans.
    Civil charges will come about, long, lost, uncaring relatives will settle for half a $million.

  6. Heroes today have to be prepared to pay a price for doing the right thing because of the left’s attacks. Hope the guy who subdued the lunatic and saved taxpayers from having to pay for the lunatic’s incarceration…again, is lawyered up.


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